About the Literature


The books were published between 1977 and 2008. The entire work has been written in Hindi, and the core books published in about 13 volumes,  in the classical Indian style  in three sets: Darshan, Vaada and Shastra. (Direct Insight > Dialectics> Code of Conduct)

The literature has been written using the paribhasha* style or definition method where all important words/concepts have been defined anew. The ‘definitions’ connect the ‘word’ with ‘meaning’ in reality.

The books are not mutually exclusive of each other – since it is the same existence, reality they are addressing, only seen in different dimensions of cognition & different ‘aspects’ of living.

Knowledge itself is such that all of it can be expressed in a single line. The books only contain information. The Human being is ultimately the carrier of this knowledge.

The purpose of publishing the books is neither for publicity nor profit. The entire cost of publishing has been borne by Shree A Nagraj himself. It is hoped that you would use these books to have realization yourself and live with evidence of the same.

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Brief of the Basic-Books

Given below is a brief description of the type of the book (darshan > vaad> shastra), a brief of the contents in each book. The books only contain information. The Human being is ultimately the carrier of this knowledge.

Darshan or ‘Philosophy’: 

-Existential postulations based on Realization & Insights

Definition of’ Darsana’: Activity by the seer via his/her vision (sight) for understanding the scene as-it-is, and its expression, communication and publishing.

#This set of books focus on the realization and insights achieved of reality. The meaning of the word ‘Darshan’ means direct ’seeing reality as-it-is’ or ‘sight’ or ‘realistic-view’ . In order to have  realistic-view we need to have the seer, the vision and  the seen. (darshan needs drishta, drishti and drishya). The Darsanas are in 4 parts:

philosophy of human-behavior (vyawhar):

  • Provides the existential basis for human-behavior: and answers to humankind’s most intriguing questions,  the conscious unit, human-consciousness, awakening progression & awakening in the conscious jeevan, and inspiration to live with humane qualities, perspectives and character.

philosophy of human-action (karma):

  • Provides the basis for human-actions with other humans and the rest of nature, the 9 types of ‘karma’ or activity we engage with using our mind, body & wealth.
  • Discusses Coexistentialist Science, and the fundamental nature of matter.

philosophy of human-realization (anubhava)

  • Covers the relationship of the conscious unit or ‘self’ with void (shunya, brahman) and resolves the issue of the ‘observer’ or ‘ I’ in the ‘self’ and the  occurrence of the self or conscious unit in existence and its awakening. Describes the experience of realization in coexistence (existence) and the pervasive, omnipotent nature of space….Happiness, Peace, Contentment and Bliss

philosophy of  human-practice (abhyasa)

  • Details on practice to be undertaken in order to have Understanding/Knowledge. After understanding,  ‘bringing of  understanding or knowledge into living’ & its manifestation at various levels in the form of ‘values’ at the level of ‘contemplation’ in the self.
  • Details Literature-practice, Behavioural Practice, Contemplative Practice

Vaada or  ‘Ism:

– Dialectic, expansion in logic, discussion, supporting arguments. 

Definition of Vaada: Clear propounding of Actuality, Reality & Truth. 

# the vaada’s or ‘isms are for mutual-discussion; or the expansion of knowledge gained via ‘darsana’ at the level of thought. They contain logic and reasons in support of the postulation of realities expounded in the darsana’s. They include mutual-discussion between peoples. The ‘isms are:

Materialism – resolution based,

  • Elaborates on ‘physiochemical material reality’ in the form of ‘resolution-centric materialism’.  Discusses the issues in materialism to date and how these get resolved. Maps to philosophy of human action which provide its basis.
  • Lays out the the existence of the atom & evolution in the atom as physical development progression, development to the conscious unit, awakening progression & awakening in the conscious atom.
  • Nature of Light, speed, pressure, wave and form.

Spiritualism – Realization based,

  • Discusses spiritual-reality: discussion of the conscious, consciousness and all-pervasive-entity or space and their co-relation. Discusses the issues of moksha ,mukti, etc in spiritualism to date and how these get resolved. This is in the form of ‘realization-centric spiritualism’. Maps to philosophy of human realization/experience.   Maps to  darsana of human realization  which provide its basis.
  • Explains the functioning of the conscious atom (jeevan) & how it attains knowledge of the ‘spirit’ or spiritual knowledge & how it continues to live the full life of a human after that.

Humanism – Behavior based:

  • Covers mutual discussion between peoples covering  behavior & justice in a propositional manner with view of evidencing the same.  Discusses the issues in humanism to date and how these get resolved. This is in the form of ‘`behavior-centric humanism’.  Maps to philosophy of human behavior  which provide its basis.

Shaastra: or Codes

-Humane code of conduct

Definition of Shaastra: Inspiration for self-discipline, Activity of transmission capable of ensuring assimilation of restraint 

# translators notes: ‘shaastra’ denotes code-of-conduct or ‘discipline’. i.e. the darsana’s cover the understanding of reality, the vaad or ‘isms cover the expansion & explanation of what was understood at the level of thought – i.e. such ‘knowledge’ coming in thought, and this thought then comes in living, in the form of a self-determined ‘code-of-conduct, based on what was understood/known. 

Sociology – behavioral:

  • In behavior, in the form of sociology, (behavioral sociology). Maps to darsana of human behavior and behavior-centric humanism which provide its basis.
  • Lays out the existential and humanistic laws and rules for human behaviour and humankinds living as social groups, the ‘undivided nature’ of the human race &  what needs to be done to enable and ensure the same.

Economics -cyclical:

  • In work & occupation as economics (cyclical economics)- maps to darsana of human action and resolution-centric materialism which provide its basis.
  • Elaborates on the ‘occupational’ aspect of human living, basis for exchange or trade of goods between humans, the psychological & cognitive basis for the same, and the qualitative development needed in humans to enable ‘fair trade’. Lays out the proposed organization of human societal systems in 5 aspects and ’10 staged arrangement’ of world order.

Psychology – consciousness based:

  • In mentality as human-consciousness oriented psychology. – maps to darsana of human realization/experience and experience-centric spiritualism  which provide its basis.
  • Gives details of ‘perfect humane conduct’ as “122 activities” in the awakened conscious entity ‘jeevan’

 Samvidhan: Human Constitution:

– in the form of humane code of ethics 

Definition of Constitution: Aphorisms and explanation of Law frameworksfor the purpose of evidence of perfection in tradition. Law frameworks, Norms, Justice, Conduct; Awakened Human, Fundamental Rights, Orderliness (Human Systems).

#The Constitution provides the overall basis& law-frameworks  for Human Society and its existential basis on Actuality, Reality & Truth. This is a ‘Universal Human Constitution’

‘Proof ‘or ‘evidence’ (pramana) is thus of:

  1. ‘evidence of realization’,
  2. ‘evidence in behavior’ and
  3. ‘evidence in experiment’ (in work)

via living according to humane psychology, sociology & economics – respectively.

*Paribhasha means definitions. Although the words used in these books and on this site may seem familiar, they have different meanings than which is currently associated with them. The definitions, or paribhasha – link the words to meanings in reality – entities in reality are as meanings, and on reading the words with the definitions (paribhasha ), and deploying our ability for imagination, it becomes possible to understand the same meanings ourselves. I.e. These words are pointers to meanings in reality, which can be studied, understood (‘seen‘) and ‘realized’ by a human being, in himself.

It is a requirement that the literature be studied with the accompanying definitions or paribhasha.

@ all books have been published by: A Nagraj, Jeevan Vidya Prakashan, Amarkantak (Jivana Vidya Prakasana, Amarkantak)

collated and translated by shriram narasimhan | student | jan 2015