Stage#1: After Parichay: Next Steps & Resources


हिंदी परिचय सामग्री 

परिचयात्मक लेख एवं पुस्तक

परिचय ऑडियो 

परिचयात्मक शिविर विडियो

  1. परिचय शिविर वीडियोस - ऑनलाइन देखें (Jeevan Vidya Official Channel.)
  2. वीडियो परिचय नागराजजी (recommended!)

अगला कड़ी 

English Resources

Intro Reading in English

Introductory Videos in English

  1. Need for Understanding: 1.2 hr Introduction (English)
  2. 10 Day Comprehensive Introduction - Shriram Narasimhan
  3. 7 Day Dialogic Introduction - Ashok Gopala
  4. Snippets - Sanjeev Chopra

Next Stage...

जुड़ें /Stay Connected

About the Stage #1 Workshop

Stage 1 Parichay #1 - Jeevan Vidya Parichay - Prathmik.
Content Human Goal/ Purpose = Happiness, Resolution…

Comes from knowing order in.

  • Human : Self, Body, Activities, Problems, Solution.
  • Family, : Basic Feelings, issues. Resolution. 9 values/ 7 relations.
  • Society, 5 aspects, issues, desirable state.
  • Nature / Existence: 4 orders, 4 dimensions, space, units, coexistence.
  • Introduce that there is conscious 'jeevan' in coexistence. This is the 'Self' or 'Me'.
  • Wants to know, be happy. Has to become jagrut, awakened.
  • Need for further adhyayan
  • Ordinary delusions about Nature, Existence,  Human Purpose & dimensions of Living clarified, synthesis, interconnections give intellectual rest.
  • Disturbances in various internal, familial, societal & ecological issues finds resolution-direction.
  • Need to understand becomes clear. - As solution to self, and worlds many problems.
  • Self-Attention begins.
  • Sensitivity in Relationships increases. Empathy with people better.
  • Relation with money and objects becomes clearer.
  • Social-contribution quotient improves.
  • Ecological quotient improves.
  • Need to re-orient & re-balance ones life
  • Time for self development: Preliminary Reading/Watching/Attending shivirs.
  • Self & Body differentiation: needs, activities and program.
  • Relationships: Trust, Intention, mistakes we make: respect, etc. Self-regulation.
  • Things/Money: Price, Value, Utility
  • Self: Conditioning, adopted persona’s, goals.
Resources  See Above