What is Madhyasth Darshan


Madhyasth Darshan or ‘Coexistential Philosophy’ is an insight into reality & human nature.  'Darshan' in the Sanskrit language means to "see" , or have a vision of reality as-it-is. It has come about via original existential exploratory-research via the method of 'sadhana-samadhi-sanyama' by (late) Shri A Nagraj of Amarkantak, India (originally from Hassan, Karnataka). It is a new discovery of the fundamental nature of the Universe, Human Being, Consciousness & Human purpose. It explains the nature of matter, conscious, space & evolution and thus demystifies the human being and existence.

This comprehensive knowledge system (darsana) examines & provides clarity in all dimensions of human life: the experiential, rational, emotional & occupational. It has solutions for the myriad  problems all of us face, the world faces.

This darshan (philosophy) is an 'existence based human centric contemplation'. It is being presented here as an ‘Alternative’ to Materialism/Science and Theism/Spiritualism for evaluation and study by mankind. The aims, content, process, outcomes & lifestyle proposed in Madhyasth Darshan are different from those in Materialism & Spiritualism.

'Coexistential Philosophy' is not based on any caste, religion or sect, but on natural laws, on reality – in a way that every human can understand them in his/her own right and live with this understanding.

Since it uncovers the origins & nature of consciousness, Madhyasth Darshan (Coexistential Philosophy) provides significant breakthrough’s in metaphysics, ontology, epistemology, axiology, ethics, cognitive science & brain theory. It has a solution for the ‘hard problem of consciousness’. Both dimensions of reality: free of space, time & form and imbued with space, time & form are revealed and resolved.

Madhyasth Darshan thus provides a “grand unified view” of our cognitive experience, external reality & human-living, enabling coherence in our Spiritual, Intellectual, Behavioral & Material aspects via consciousness-awakening (आध्यात्मिक, बौद्धिक, व्यवहारिक, भौतिक पक्षों में जाग्रति).

This understanding comes in living: Madhyasth Darshan enables freedom from prevailing criminal mentality, freedom from ignorance (delusion) and freedom from communal mentality between peoples via consciousness development .

This philosophy has sound proposals to resolve our current issues such as:

  • Personal strife and meaninglessness
  • Interpersonal issues with people - in the family & around
  • Societal conflict - like war & exploitation
  • Ecological problems - pollution & resource depletion

This understanding results in living with simplicity, generosity, kindness & benevolence. We can understand ourselves as humans and fulfill our relationships in family, society and nature. 

Madhyasth Darshan thus has a universal resolution to our current existential, personal, familial, social & ecological dichotomies. Such comprehensive understanding & living results in happiness, peace, contentment & bliss.

This is to inform you that based on this understanding of developed human consciousness, the following universal tenets have been understood:

  • Knowledge, Wisdom & Science
    • (ज्ञान -विवेक-विज्ञान)
  • Reality, Actuality & Truth;
    • (वास्तविकता, यथार्थता सत्यता)
  • Universal Humane Justice, Religion & Education;
    • (मानवीय न्याय,धर्म, शिक्षा) 
  • Basic Structure of Undivided Human Society: Universal Culture, Civility & Norms
    • (अखंड समाज, सार्वभौम संस्कृति, सभ्यता, विधि)
  • World Constitution & Organization of Nation States.
    • (सार्वभौम  संविधान, व्यवस्था)

This philosophy is logically consistent and enables us to deal practically with the phenomena in nature, and verify it via direct experience and as proof in living – it is thus free of mysticism. This philosophy provides remarkably clear & precise definitions for every aspect of human living. This understanding & model of living is now available for study & practice.

A diverse set of people are now seriously evaluating this proposal. Efforts to bring this into education are underway in India. You can find details of our efforts in education here.

This is a proposal for Universal Good.

The Human search for the origins, nature & purpose of ‘consciousness’ is over.

It is now available for study.

The expectation of ‘knowledge’ from India that has existed from time immemorial, has now been completed.

सुदूर विगत से भारत से जो ‘ज्ञान’ की अपेक्षा रही, वो पूरी हो चुकी है |


  • Madhyasth – means Mediating, the stabilizing aspect in Existence.
  • Darshan – or philosophy is a direct insight into reality and its exposition
  • Saha-Astitva-vad: Coexistential Philosophy or Coexistentialism, is dialectics
  • Jeevan – name for the conscious aspect, unit
  • Jeevan Vidya – program for public dissemination, knowledge of 'jeevan'


Current Situation

  • Climate change - imbalance in Seasons
  • Increasing conflict, insecurity in humans

The Need

  • Climatic balance be maintained
  • Humans continue peacefully on this planet

Who am I & Why am I here?

What is the nature of the world?

What does it mean to be comprehensively happy?

How can we have a Humane Society?

Why do I even have these questions? 
