Shriram N

Materialism, Coexistentialism & Spiritualism

Comparison of these 3 ideologies on the basis of view of Reality, Human Being, Human purpose, basic perspectives, definition of knowledge, laws, outcomes, etc. Materialism Coexistentialism               (Alternative) Spiritualism/Idealism  B a s i cP o s t u l a t i o n s B a s i cP o s t u l a t i o n s Human – Human = Body – Human =


Easy Introduction

Our current state, the need for an alternative: Are you what you “really want to be”?  Do you know what you really want?  Do you truly know your “purpose of living”? A whole lifetime seems to go by, and we still end up having unfulfilled desires and unanswered questions. No matter who we are, in this sense, we are in the same boat – we don’t have real answers to the questions above. There are
