Shriram N

The Goal of Human Life

Human being becomes effortful for whatever they assume as their goal.  While in reality, human being’s goal (purpose of being) is resolution, prosperity, fearlessness and coexistence only.   Goal determines endeavours, endeavours determine progress, progress determines result, result determines effect, effect determines realization, realization determines determination; determination determines (revelation of) intrinsic nature of human being; revelation of intrinsic nature of human being determines meaningful living, and meaningful living itself is tradition of human goal. Goal


The Answer of “Who am I?”

“I am atma” in the illusionless state, because evidence of jeevan’s awakening is based only on realization (in atma). Upon realization – buddhi, chitta, vritti and mun also become identified and attuned with realization (in atma) – i.e. they become inspired and start functioning according to realization. In this illusionless state, “I am atma” becomes clearly evident. Each person can evidence this upon realization. Illusion is false sense of self, indicating ignorance. Deluded intellect itself


Self, Brahman and Realization

The curiosity now is to know Brahman.  The meaning of the word ‘Brahman’ needs to be made clear. This curiosity to know Brahman is for becoming illusionless or doubtless about “I” and “mine”. “I” is the nucleus of conscious unit (configurationally perfect atom or jeevan), also called as ‘atma’. Mun, vritti, chitta and buddhi are inseparable from “I” (atma).   The sadhana (endeavours for consciousness development) is for instilling potential in these to be in accordance



The uncommonness of knowledge of Brahman (The Absolute) does not mean it is non-abundant or it is not prestigious.  This uncommonness only indicates lack of competence (potential, capability, receptivity) in human being for its realization.That which exists (is a reality) remains unharmed from human being’s not understanding it.  Human being develops Receptivity for Realization in Brahman by studying and practicing with knowledge of qualities, intrinsic nature and religion of realities in Existence. Brahman itself is


इंदौर में 2 वर्षीय अध्ययन शिविर – 2015

मानव चेतना विकास केंद्र, इंदौर में २०१५ से अध्ययन शिविर का प्रारंभ हुआ है | यह हर २ माह में ७ दिन के लिए होगा | इसमें मध्यस्थ दर्शन के १५ पुस्तकों का विधिवत अध्ययन कराया जायेगा | उद्देश्य: शास्त्राभ्यास में गति प्रधान करने हेतु, प्रत्येक व्यक्ति स्वयं के आधार पर विश्लेषण कर सके, परस्परता में व्यक्त कर सके छोटे समूह (२०-२५ प्रतिभागी) में सघन चर्चा हेतु अभ्यास-अध्ययन क्रम में आगे की कड़ियाँ स्पष्ट करने


English and Marathi Translations published…

English translation published… English translation version of the book ‘Manav Vyawhaar Darshan’ has been published by IASE University, Rajasthan, as ‘Holistic-view’ of Human Behavior.  Rakesh Gupta, Bangalore has worked on the same. The book can be downloaded from the ‘resources’ section – click here. Contact   Marathi translation published… Marathi Translations by Yogesh and Suvarna Shastri of Vikalp, Adhyayan Bindu, Manav Vyawhaar Darshan have been published. See the resources  > books & texts section, else call Suvarna


Implications of Madhyasth Darshan

Where we are and where we really want to be: Note:  To begin with, this table can be seen as a ‘wish list’. On studying reality it becomes clear that ‘where we want to be’ is not merely a ‘wish list’ . Rather, ‘this is so in existence’, this is reality. This is possible when we use ‘all the faculties’ of understanding in us, and not just the ‘part-faculties’: – studying only the “formfull-dimensions of reality” as
