Adhyayan Shivir for Youth



  • Age 21-35


  • Conducted entirely in Hindi for those between 18 and ~30 years of age, the 1/2/3 year study program is an opportunity for formal, systematic study of oneself & reality in order to practice an aware & complete human life.
  • The program covers the widest, multidimensional canvas possible
  • Pursue clarity & improvement in your spiritual, intellectual, behavioural & material dimensions.
  • We learn to live with ourselves, with humans & nature.
  • Learn about farming, running a school, work on health & medicine and conduct research workshops on education, knowledge & social systems.
  • Year 1
    • Focus is on textual-study & grasping concepts, accompanied with physical work, seva & participation
  • Year2
    • Focus is on assimilating concepts
    • More time spent in physical work/skills
  • Year 3
    • Focus is on deriving inferences & research work
    • More time spent in participation-organization skills



  • Cover the Original Madhyasth Darshan books, a systematic study of reality covering 15 books (by A Nagraj) in all in the Hindi language.
  • Living in a family organization, fulfilling ones responsibilities & duties.
  • Farming and work-experience related to running a small organization.
  • Learn about the humanization of education.
  • Research into other schools of philosophy/darshans.
  • This is an intense, engaging, life-changing learning experience. Our notions are challenged, we acquire practical skills, get insights into human behaviour and probe the intricacies of the natural world. We discover our personalities, aspirations, fears & common human goals


  • Minimum commitment is 1 year
  • Recommended: 3 years

Conducted by

  • Accomplished practitioners with 10+ years experience.


  • No fees for the ‘teaching’.  Teacher does not accept ‘donations’.
  • Participants bear the cost of boarding & lodging where possible.


  • Bemetra Dist, near Raipur, Chattisgarh
  • A quiet 130 acre campus near the banks of the confluence of 2 rivers, many buildings, an upcoming 5000 tree timber forest, 500 mango, guava & coconut plants, 20 kinds of fruits, a school, about a dozen bird species and some butterflies!

Registration & more info