Shriram N

The Limit of Illusion

Intellect lacking comprehension of true self is called egoism (or ahankar) in tradition, while in reality it is jeevan’s or human being’s remaining in illusion.  Illusion does not exist (as an entity).  Illusion is merely assumptions one makes (or imagines) out of fear or temptation. Such asssumptions of illusion are limited only till visualization that happens in chitta. Therefore buddhi doesn’t become illusioned. Buddhi remains silent, and it is awakened only from method based on realization. Egoism


Vision of Harmony

Harmony is in discharging of duties and obligations in all relationships. This harmony shall also manifest into human interactions – in conveying intentions, communication of thoughts and propagation of ideas. It shall manifest in their language, sentiments and body language. It shall bring about meaningfulness and precision in their language, also in their writings and drawings – making human communications successful by conveying of intended meaning, and thereby evidence discharging of duties and obligations in


Illusion Plane

Under the influence of fear and temptation of Illusion Plane human being’s perspective is flawed with overvaluation, undervaluation and un-valuation and thereby they live in animal consciousness with tendencies of inferiority, servility and cruelness, occupied in the four indulgences (food, sleep, fear and sex). In the purview of animal consciousness, one’s perspective is limited to weigh only for like-dislike, healthy-unhealthy and profitable-unprofitable. The objective of such living remains only to seek comforts and amass wealth.


Description of Perfect Reality

“This” cannot be completely described in words.  Description of Brahman only through words would be incomplete.  It is indicative of limitation of words and not shortcoming of Brahman. Word has a beginning and it is a state (of matter), while “This” is the uniform, omnipresent and perfect reality. Brahman is the omnipresent entity itself, which permeates jeevan, it permeates body too. Jeevan itself has to produce evidence in the form of justice and resolution in course of human



Universality alone is Practicable for human being, which causes Resolution, Equilibrium and is Heavenly (highest form of happiness). Equilibrium : – Equilibrium is about not allowing excesses to happen in ethical and practical aspects. Judicious, Religious and Truthful Behaviour itself is the Formula of Universality. Dedication towards righteous wealth, righteous marital relationship and kindness in work and behaviour is all there is to Judicious Behaviour. That which becomes evident in habits of food, lifestyle and


Word, Definition, Sentiment, Reality

The letters or group of letters used for indicating an activity is known as ‘word’.  The words or group of words used for expressing meaning (of reality in existence) is known as ‘definition’ and essence of definition itself is ‘sentiment’ (that arises in human being upon comprehension of definition).  The sentiment (that arises in human being upon comprehending definition) is in the form of reality in existence.  All sentiments (of comprehension) are in the form


Thriving and Retrogression

Thriving or Revolution is when human efforts align with their innateness and Retrogression is when human efforts contradict their innateness.  Resolution is from thriving and problem is from retrogression. Thriving is when determination, desire, thought and hope are self-referenced – i.e. inspired from atma (authenticity of realization). Retrogression is in the absence of coherence in conscious aspect – when determination is lacking with hopes, thoughts and desires externally referenced. Self-referenced living is restful and externally


Religion and Religiousity

That which is innate to a unit is its Religion. Happiness is humankind’s Religion.  Resolution = Happiness.  Problem = Sorrow. Human being’s discharging their duties, following customs and ethics that nurture happiness (resolution) itself is Religiousity. Absence of ethical thinking is the cause of exploitation, which eventually results in sorrow for oneself and for others. Accepting duties given by family, society and civil order, and discharging them with dedication, discipline and truthfulness develops abilities at


Sheaths and Evolution

Classification of Creation (as evolution stages) is based on configuration of sheaths. Sheath (Kosha): – The specific part (of a unit) which performs a definite activity based on unit’s intent or purpose, and is responsible for its tendency is sheath. Sheath means being full of.  Fullness with inspiration itself is etheric sheath (pranmaya kosha). Fullness with inspiration means being full of energy, power and magnetism.  Being full of inspiration atomic particles have mutual recognition and regulation,


Fear and Happiness

Fear is fundamentally present in current state of communal divisions in which human being wants to accomplish social harmony. The way of removing fearful tendencies, intents and processes is irreversible transition to human consciousness by humankind. It is clear that human being proves their essence (purpose) by acquiring qualities and behaviour as knowledge, wisdom and science through education that demarcates humaneness, super-humaneness and inhumanness. Study of all aspects of social harmony becomes possible on basis
