Feb 072015

The letters or group of letters used for indicating an activity is known as ‘word’.  The words or group of words used for expressing meaning (of reality in existence) is known as ‘definition’ and essence of definition itself is ‘sentiment’ (that arises in human being upon comprehension of definition).  The sentiment (that arises in human being upon comprehending definition) is in the form of reality in existence.  All sentiments (of comprehension) are in the form of beings in coexistence.

Word is merely name of a reality in existence, while definition explains word and the activity (reality) in existence (indicated by that word); the purpose of language becomes clear (is fulfilled) upon comprehension of that reality by human being.

Words that indicate definite activity (reality in existence) are meaningful and the words contrary to this are meaningless.

Human being determines essence (purpose of being in existence) of realities by study – i.e. scrutinising, examining and surveying of their form, attributes, intrinsic-nature and religion.

– Excerpt from English Translation of Manav Vyavhar Darshan

Name: Rakesh Gupta
Status: Student
Date: Jan 2015
Write up status; DRAFT
Document Type: English Translated Version of Original Hindi by A Nagraj

Reference: Jeevan Vidya, Madhyasth Darshan, Coexistentialism

 February 7, 2015  English Translations