Feb 072015

Harmony is in discharging of duties and obligations in all relationships. This harmony shall also manifest into human interactions – in conveying intentions, communication of thoughts and propagation of ideas. It shall manifest in their language, sentiments and body language. It shall bring about meaningfulness and precision in their language, also in their writings and drawings – making human communications successful by conveying of intended meaning, and thereby evidence discharging of duties and obligations in relationships. Children shall learn to recognize and address their relationships until they become ten year old and thereafter they shall be needed and expected to discharge duties and responsibilities in relationships with understanding of purpose therein.
– Excerpt from English Translation of Jeevan Vidya Adhyayan Bindu


Name: Rakesh Gupta
Status: Student
Date: Jan 2015
Write up status; DRAFT
Document Type: English Translated Version of Original Hindi by A Nagraj

Reference: Jeevan Vidya, Madhyasth Darshan, Coexistentialism

 February 7, 2015  English Translations