Feb 072015

Human being becomes effortful for whatever they assume as their goal.  While in reality, human being’s goal (purpose of being) is resolution, prosperity, fearlessness and coexistence only.
Goal determines endeavours, endeavours determine progress, progress determines result, result determines effect, effect determines realization, realization determines determination; determination determines (revelation of) intrinsic nature of human being; revelation of intrinsic nature of human being determines meaningful living, and meaningful living itself is tradition of human goal.

Goal (lakshya): – Human being becomes conclusive about their goal only upon awakening.  This goal is to become evidence of resolution, prosperity, fearlessness and coexistence.

Endeavour (prayas): – Diligent work to achieve one’s goal is known as endeavour.

Progress (pragati): – Movement towards qualitative development, which is different from before.  Movement towards higher value or excellence.

Result (fal): – Result is from the moment pattern or procedure of an activity changes.

Effect (prabhav): – The acceptance for changing the pattern or procedure of one’s activities itself is known as effect.

Realization (anubhav): – The understanding achieved from the course of destiny or perfect acceptance of the effects (of realities) included in the course of destiny itself is realization.

Course of destiny (anukram): – The way one link is connected with next link, or one stage is connected with next stage in existence.  The course of destiny and realization is in coexistence only.

Determination (pratibhav): – The tendency for becoming living evidence of awakening upon realization itself is determination.

Intrinsic nature (svabhav): – Value (state or potential) of self with determination (upon comprehension of truth) is intrinsic nature.

Attachment (asakti): – Assuming ‘wrong’ to be ‘right’ due to illusion is attachment.  This itself is inhumanness.

Sentiment (bhav): – Sentiment arises in human being upon comprehending essence of nature or upon valuation (recognizing true value of a reality).  Sentiment is reflective of essence – i.e. potential or meaning that is present as religion and intrinsic nature in any evolution stage or plane.  Happiness is the religion of human being.  Fortitude, courage, generosity, kindness, grace and compassion is intrinsic nature of human being.

Sentiment = Essence = Value = Responsibility and Participation = Result = Valuation

While, intrinsic nature of illusioned human being is servility, inferiority and cruelness.   Illusioned human being assumes (believes) their religion to be attachment and temptation (to material things).

The Goal is Worldly or Spiritual; Striving is Internal or External; Endeavours are Exclusive or Inclusive; Progress is towards Degradation or towards Development (awakening); Result is Lacking or Perfect; Effect is Constructive, Destructive or Madhyasth; Realization is Sensory or Para-sensory; Determination is for Harmony or (helplessness for) Disharmony; Tendency is Ordained or Unordained (as attachment); and Sentiment in human being is Righteous or Unrighteous.  Jeevan itself is the bearer and carrier of what human being accepts as their Goal.

Goal that keeps changing is Worldly and the goal that is fixed is Spiritual; Deeds performed with mun, vritti, chitta and buddhi are Internal and deeds performed with sense organs (sound, touch, sight, taste and smell) are External; Individualism is Exclusive and Universalism is Inclusive; Lower status than before is Degradation and higher status than before is Development; Growth oriented nature is Constructive, Sustenance oriented nature is Madhyasth and Decay oriented nature is Destructive; Learning only through interaction with sense organs is Sensory Experience and Realization that happens in atma through mun, vritti, chitta and buddhi,  thereby tendency of becoming evidence of truth is Parasensory Experience; Inspiration for meaningful living is Determination for Harmony and its opposite is Helplessness in Disharmony; the dedication towards justice, religion and truth is Ordained Acceptance and its opposite is Unordained Attachment; Resolution oriented sentiment is Righteous Sentiment and the tendency of causing problems is Unrighteous Sentiment.

– Excerpt from English Translation of Manav Vyavhar Darshan

Name: Rakesh Gupta
Status: Student
Date: Jan 2015
Write up status; DRAFT
Document Type: English Translated Version of Original Hindi by A Nagraj
Reference: Jeevan Vidya, Madhyasth Darshan, Coexistentialism


 February 7, 2015  English Translations