Concepts Summary


A beginners overview of the basic concepts in Madhyasth Darshan:

1. Knowledge is Happiness
2. Existence (reality) is Coexistence
3. Harmony in Living
4. One Human Race, One Human Religion
5. Undivided Human Society, Universal Order
6. Objective and Scope of Jeevan Vidya 


Knowledge is Happiness

Everything that exists is called ‘Existence’. Today, we have come to assume that things are in random arrangement, that the Universe is in chaos. However, the reality is that Existence is co-existence itself, is in harmony, in orderliness.

The ‘things’ we see around us – animals, plants and things like stones, minerals, etc are in ‘self-organization’ and participate in the larger orderliness. We see the following situation today:

Human-Nature Relationship:

  •  As a result of not being in self-organization, the human is unable to fulfill his relationship with the other three natural-orders in nature (animals, plant and material).
    • This manifests as the ecological problem.

Human-Human Relationship:

  • The human is also not able to fulfill his relationship with other humans.
    • This manifests as economic problems, social problems, problems in relationships, in criminal mentality, war, exploitation, etc. 


  • The human is also unresolved within: has internal contradictions, a lack of clarity, self-doubt.
    • This manifests as ‘indefinite conduct’ or ‘indefinite behavior’. The result is unhappiness within. This unhappiness within itself manifests as problems around: with other humans and the rest of nature.

We human beings are thus unresolved – within and without. This is collectively called unhappiness or dissatisfaction. 

The reason for the above issues is a lack of understanding of

  • The ‘Self’ and
  • Existence (all that exists) and
  • Mans purpose and relationship with the units in existence.  (Humane Conduct)

The human being wants to live in orderliness, in harmony, in happiness. The need for happiness-satisfaction is only fulfilled by having knowledge (right understanding) while the need for ‘physical things’ is fulfilled by material goods. The need for ‘knowledge’ is a fundamental human need.

On having knowledge about the self, existence & humane conduct, the human becomes resolved, and this results in  happiness. Having this knowledge fulfills the humans existential, intellectual, logical, ethical, moral, emotional and sense-organ related needs.

Knowledge or ‘right-understanding’ provides the basis for our imagination, of our desires, of our conclusions on physical reality as well, hence, knowledge is, provides, the very basis for our living.

Knowledge is thus the anchor for the human being, his innate, inalienable need. This knowledge is:

  • Knowledge of all that exists.  [अस्तित्व दर्शन ज्ञान]
  • Knowledge of the conscious self :[जीवन ज्ञान]
  • Knowledge of perfect-Humane Conduct: (मानवीयता पूर्ण आचरण ज्ञान)

This is to inform you that:

  • “Co-existence” (reality) has now become study-able.  Existence (Reality) has been understood as a Coexistence of physiochemical (insentient), conscious (sentient) & a ‘pervasive-entity’ which we currently identify as ‘space’ or ‘void’. 
  • The human-being has been understood as being the combined form of a conscious unit and a physiochemical body. The conscious unit and nature of ‘consciousness’ has been understood.
  • The ‘Human purpose’ in existence has been understood and man’s ‘being’ and ‘living’ has become clear. Universal human conduct, values, religion* and race have been understood.  (*religion = dharma =adherence = inseparability)


Existence (reality) is Coexistence

Existence, is just not just the ‘material’ things we ‘see’ around us (like rocks, plants, etc) , but also consists of ‘space’ and conscious units, called ‘jeevan‘. Thus, ‘Coexistence’, means the existence of material & conscious units in all pervasive ‘space’.  There is a definite ‘progression’ in Existence: plants evolve from matter, and animals evolve from plants and so on. We can understand progression and the definite direction in existence from the following 5 lines:


1. Existence is Coexistence:

The nature of existence is not just physio-chemical, but all physical, chemical, and conscious (jeevan) entities are inseparably present in the all-pervasive ‘space’ or ‘void’.


2. There is evolution in Existence:

There is evolution or ‘development progression’ in Existence: The formation of atoms, many species of atoms, molecules, larger formations are naturally occurring. The evolution of living life, plant life from matter, and its thousands of species and their propagation is also on its own. The atom is the basic unit in existence, in which development takes place. The atom has a madhyasth or mediating force/power that is in the central part (nucleus). This nucleus or central part of the atom or madhyasth force/power is responsible for regulating the other particles in the atom and maintaining its structure/constitution


3. There is ‘development’ in Existence:

The progressive development in the atom yields an atom in which there can be no longer be any change in structure or constitution. This is called constitutional-completion or ‘गठनपूर्णता’.  This singular atom becomes free of the bondage of molecular-association and weight – it is weightless. This atom is indestructible, hence ‘immortal’. This atom is the conscious Self (I). It has its own volition, with the ‘will to live’.  We see in animals – they have the will to live, whereas, plants only live. We see the evolution of many species of animals – on land, water and in the air. Each animal is able to propagate its own species.

The Animal consists of the conscious self or jeevan in coexistence with the material body.

The Human being consists of the conscious self jeevan in coexistence with the material body. The conscious self or ‘I’ given the name jeevan is a constitutionally complete atom. 

The human being has no role to play in any of this. All this is happening by itself.


4. There is Awakening Progression in Existence:

Humans appear on the scene, with a more evolved body than animals. We not only have the will to live as in animals, but the will to live with happiness. In our quest for happiness, we have learnt to deal with and modify our surroundings. We have explored the material world & fulfilled our material needs via food-clothing-shelter & transport-radio-television.

We are now learning to live with other humans, live with nature. We are trying to find out our purpose on this planet. We are in a quest for knowledge, and satisfaction. Everything we do is for happiness.

To be ‘conscious’ means to have the ‘will to live’. In humans, this means having the ability to think, have imagination, feelings, etc. This is what distinguishes us from animals. As conscious beings, we wonder about the things around us, and are in the process of understanding who and what we are, why we exist, and how to live

Reasons for the current human situation

Our current ‘way’ or ability to see or perceive the world, reality, is limited to the dimensions of ‘form’ and ‘properties’. In other words, we can study &  understand how things look and how they behave. All our study and understanding of the material world, including humans is currently only limited to these two dimensions. While this is useful, this is insufficient, as is evidenced by the complex problems we continue to face as a species.


5. There is ‘Awakening’ in Existence: the solution

We are unable to see or apprehend the remaining two dimensions of reality of ‘innate nature’ (svabhav) & ‘beingness/religion’ (religion). In other words, we are yet unable to understand the purpose of things and how they fundamentally are. The reason for this is because we only use/access partial (4.5) faculties in the conscious self, due to which our understanding and living is limited and delusional – we have a purely mechanistic or physical view of things, including ourselves. On accessing the remaining (5.5) faculties in the ‘conscious self’, we are able to ‘see’ all four dimensions of reality: form, properties, innate-nature & beingness/religion  that correspond respectively to appearance, behavior, purpose and fundamental-nature of various realities such as stones, plants, animals and humans. This gives us holistic knowledge that satisfies us spiritually, intellectually & emotionally – which itself is happiness. When all 10 activities in the conscious self are functional, it is called ‘activity-completeness’ or क्रियापूर्णता and when all 10 are expressed in living with perfection, the state is called ‘conduct-completeness’ or आचरणपूर्णता .All these changes take place in the conscious self, the jeevan.


Kinds of humans

Thus, based on their development/understanding & living, humans are found in these 2 developmental planes in which we have 5 classes of humans:

plane A: animal consciousness plane (partial understanding):

1) servile human &  2) fiendish human

plane B: human-consciousness plane (complete understanding):

3) humane, 4) godly and 5) divine humans

Every human and their behavior can be understood based  & explained based on the above.

Man is a part of Reality. Man wants to, and can understand Reality. Reality is Coexistence. There is no ‘chaos’. Everything, except the Human, is in a state of harmony. Every unit or entity like matter, plans, animals and humans have 4 dimensions which need to be known: appearance, properties, innate-nature and beingness/ religion * (रूप, गुण, स्वभाव, धर्म). In other words, we only understand how things like stones,plants,animals and humans  look and behave right now, but do not understand their purpose and fundamental-nature. (स्वभाव-धर्म).

On having ‘knowledge’ the human being becomes awakened, and as a result lives in human consciousness, with happiness & humane conduct.

The table below represents which dimensions of reality humans have been able to understand or explore reasonably well using spirituality/religion and materialism/science to date, and which ones are yet to be understood. This representation is possible based on the clarity offered by Madhyasth Darshan:

Legend for symbols used in the table above:



The fundamental findings can be tabulated as below:

Space or the all-pervasive entity (vyapak vastu) is omnipresent. It is energy in equilibrium, manifesting as ‘energy’ in insentient matter and as consciousness in sentient matter.

Space or the all-pervasive entity is inactive, causeless, eternal and unchangeable. It is free of any effect, pressure or wave. It is not the cause of the material universe: be it sentient or insentient. In other words,the world does not arise from space or the all-pervasive entity.  Sentient and insentient beings are present in the omnipresence. They are saturated: drenched, encircled & submerged in space. Space or the pervasive-entity is thus not, creator or controller and is not omniscient. It can also be given various names such as Brahman and Isvara. (if one were to draw a parallel with Indian philosophical thought).

The conscious self, jeevan is wholly distinct and different from space/ the omnipresence (space). The conscious jeevan is submerged in space. Space is all pervasive. Consciousness does not arise from physical matter, or vice versa. All three: omnipresent or all-pervasive space, physical matter & conscious matter are ‘real’ and make up the ‘reality’ we inhabit.

Physical matter and conscious matter are in the form of ‘activities’ or units. Each ‘unit’ of such reality has four dimensions: form (rup), properties (gun), innate-nature (svabhav) and religion (dharm). Hence, ‘form’ is as much a part of reality as the ‘formless’. We are able to see, witness different dimensions of reality depending on which faculty in the conscious self, jeevan we employ. When we employ all 10 activities/ faculties in the conscious-self or jeevan, we are able to ‘see’ or understand all these realities. This itself is the ultimate human goal.


Harmony in Living

On having this knowledge, we become fulfilled. When we express this understanding, live it, it manifests as synergy or harmony all around us. We can see this harmony at the following levels:

1. Harmony in Ourselves

Knowledge or understanding fulfills us spiritually,  intellectually & emotionally. All our questions are unanswered. We know our place and purpose. We understand & accept ‘intellectual laws’ of living. This is called ‘intellectual resolution’.

2. Harmony in Human Family

We are able to recognize our relationships in family, the purpose of the family and fulfill it at all times. These relationships are in the form of a parent, children, brothers, sisters, friends, our teachers, etc. We live in the expanse of these relationships and are able to have, express and fulfill emotions like trust, respect, affection, care, guidance, worship, gratitude & love.

The physical efforts we put in enable the family to have ‘material prosperity’

3. Harmony in Society

Society consists of many, many human families, living together for a common humane goal. By living in Harmony in the family, we automatically become harmonious in society. We are able to recognize and fulfill our relationship with other humans other than our own family. This is in the form of understanding & accepting universal ‘social law’. We recognize our responsibilities in Society & fulfill them.

4. Harmony with Nature

Nature is already in a state of harmony & balance.  Although it may seem that there are inconsistencies, or struggle, or competition in nature, this is not so. The struggle is in us, the viewer, that is observing nature. Only the human is not in harmony in the natural system. On understanding Coexistence, we understand & accept the universal ‘natural laws’ of living, which results in fulfilling our relationship with nature in a harmonious manner.


Result of understanding in the Individual

  • Living with resolution in Thought;
  • Mutual Fulfillment, Justice in Behavior with humans;
  • Mutual prosperity in Work with nature; and
  • Knowledge of actuality, reality, truth in Realization

The following is ensured as a result of living with ‘human-consciousness’:

  • Freedom from crimes(mental, social & environmental)
  • Freedom from delusion (ignorance, absence of knowledge)
  • Freedom from fear (of life, of wealth, respect and status)


Result in Human Society

  • Resolution in Every Individual = Happiness
  • Prosperity in every Family         = Peace
  • Trust in Society                            =  Satisfaction
  • Coexistence with Nature             = Bliss

The above knowledge leads to identification of humane culture, civility, norms, humane systems and humane constitution.  [मानवीय संस्कृति, सभ्यता, विधि, व्यवस्था, संविधान]

This understanding applies comes in human tradition in the form of coherence in:

  • Education                                                                         [शिक्षा]
  • Conduct/Behavior                                                          [आचरण]
  • Constitution (of nation states, of humankind)         [संविधान]
  • Systems (Societal Organization)                                  [व्यवस्था]

It thus opens up the possibility for a just and humane order, leading to

  • Undivided Human Society    [अखंड मानव समाज]
  • Universal Orderliness             [सार्वभौम व्यवस्था]


One Human Race, One Human Religion

On having this knowledge, we understand and recognize that every humans wants to be happy, and can be so by having knowledge of coexistence.

When we study the human body, we recognize that although we may seem to be from different races, are of different heights and shapes, of various colors, gender, languages, etc, our body composition is the same. Everyone has a heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes, brain, etc. Our anatomies are basically the same.

Whereas, we can see that in animals, the constitution of the body varies from one species to the other. Hence, we can understand that:

Human Religion is One = Happiness.

– based on understanding in the conscious self = resolution = happiness. The word ‘Religion’ means to be ‘bound by’. We are bound by  our need for happiness, by our need for knowledge. Our Religion is Happiness.

Human Race is one

– based on the similar anatomy of the human body.

The differences we see around us today are based on wrong assumptions – assumed religions based on belief and discrimination based on class, caste, gender, language, color, etc – which are nothing but illusionary. Having knowledge, we become free of such illusions & delusions.


Undivided Human Society, Universal Order

The society we see today is fragmented on many lines. There are numerous basis based on which we discriminate one human from the other. This has lead us to be in a perpetual state of some form of conflict or the other, of war. The discrimination and faulty beliefs that people behold towards each other itself is the cause of terrorism.

The governance systems we are witness to today are based on the centralization of some form of ‘force’ or the other. Be it dictatorship, or feudal systems, or communist, socialist setups, or even democracy, all of them rely on the use of force and authority to varying degrees.    

Whereas, on having knowledge of coexistence we realize and accept the equality between all humans and our relationship with every aspect of Existence, including humans. Being in harmony with humans is Naturally Acceptable to us. When we express this relationship in family and when every family is able to express this feeling, we have an Undivided Human Society.


Five Dimensional Human Program

Human Organization is needed in order to establish, sustain and further human endeavors that are in line with the Human Goal of having an awakened Society. An awakened human society fulfills the Human aim of Happiness, Peace, Satisfaction & Bliss.

There are thus two kinds of programs for us:

  • A Program to ensure understanding or Knowledge in the conscious Self – leading to Resolution
  • A program to ensure requirements of the Body – leading to Prosperity.

Put together, these fulfill the Universal Human Goal of

  • Intellectual Resolution in every Human
  • Material Prosperity in every Family
  • Fearlessness in Society – leading to an Undivided Society
  • Coexistence with Nature – leading to Universal Order

The program to fulfill the above Goals are in the following 5 dimensions, for which a committee needs to be formed in every village. Every family is assumed to consist of 10 members and a family shall spare one member to participate in the village organization. Every village shall consist of 100 such families, and will thus have a 10 member “village organization council”. This council shall then form 5 committees to address the following five dimensions:

  1. Education & right values or sanskar Committee
  2. Health & Discipline Committee
  3. Production & Work Committee
  4. Exchange & Storage Committee
  5. Justice & Security Committee


10-staged Family based World Organization

These 5 dimensions of the Human Program can be carried out in 10 stages: starting from a single family at the first stage, to the entire world at the 10th stage. Each family elects a representative for coordinating with at the societal level, and 10 such members then go onto form a committee connecting to the next village or town.


Objective of Jeevan Vidya

  • For Qualitative-improvement from animal-consciousness to human-consciousness in humankind
  • For evidence of humans living with complete humane conduct, with humanness
  • Undivided Human Society and Balance in Nature: For omni-dimensional solution & prosperity – Evidence of Universal Orderliness     

Scope of Jeevan Vidya

 Knowledge (gyaan)

  • Understand the human being (conscious and physical aspects)
  • Understand entire existence (reality) &  purpose of all entities in it: fundamental aspects of physical, chemical, conscious & spatial reality
  • Understand ‘true-nature’ or definite Humane conduct

 Wisdom (viveka)

  • Identification of ‘laws of living’ as: intellectual-law, social-law & natural-law
  • Identification of the Universal Human-Goal

Science (vigyaan)

  • Knowledge of activity, time & decision
  • Physical Science, Behavioral Science & Spiritual Science


– shriram n | student | january 2012, updated january 2017