Feb 092015


  • Center is at Mandhana, near IIT Kanpur: called ‘MSSS’ since 2001

Education Activities

  • 7 Day Jeevan Vidya Shivirs.
  • 4 month Adhyayan Shivirs.
  • Jeevan Vidya shivirs at IIT Kanpur.
  • Implementing “Human Values” programs based on Jeevan Vidya in various states like UP, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, AP and other  State Universities
  • About 20 families involved, some of them full-time


  • At MSSS, Mandhana: 2 acres of land, 50 people capacity for staying & study
  • 4 Acres of Farm Land close by
  • Plan to establish Center on 20 Acres of Land

Other Activities

  • Natural Farming, Bullock-driven Water Pump, Diary with about 20 Desi Cows


 February 9, 2015  Spotlight