Online Pathan for Adhyayan @Pune 2022-2024



  • Comprehensive introduction to the मध्यस्थ दर्शन literature
  • Develop Desire/Confidence to read and understand the books
    • Develop the habit of regular shastraabhyas
  • Establish/Inspire need for Full Time Adhyayan Shivir
    • This is a “Bridge Course” between Parichay and Formal Physical Adhyayan
  • What is NOT covered


  • Communicate vastu in staged fashion to approach the books
  • Online Self-Study Model with assisted Explanations
    • 1 hr Group Readings: Three Batches everyday: 6.30 -7.30 am, 3-4 pm, 8.30-9.30 PM
    • Assisted by 1 hr recorded video lectures – Monday to Friday – Self Watching or in groups
    • Live Weekend Online Explanations : Sat and Sun, 5.30-7.30 PM (4 hrs total)
    • Periodical Physical Meetings every 6 months/1 year
    • Possibility to meet at local state level every 3 months for ~3 days.
  • Duration ~ 2 years to complete 1 reading-cycle of the books
  • Time per book is approximate and will be revised based on actual pace


Time Table

Month Year
duration topic 2022
6 weeks परिचय शिविर (recording or live ) + शिविर नोट्स पठन March
4 weeks सहअस्तित्व वाद परिचय (संकलन) –  स्वपठन + QnA  (अध्ययन बिंदु part) April
2 weeks 02 परिचय पठन सेट 2 – लेख – श्री ए.नागराज May
2 weeks बाबाजी – १९९७ विडियो / जीवन विद्या एक परिचय May
4 weeks जीवन विद्या एक परिचय / पठन June
4 weeks अध्ययन वस्तु परिचय (संकलन)  – स्वपठन + QnA (अध्ययन बिंदु  full) July
2 weeks 04 परिचय पठन सेट 4 – अतिरिक्त लेख -श्री ए.नागराज Aug
1 week Watch ‘General Sessions’ /विशेष प्रस्तुति from online adhyayan lecture series Aug
1 week विकल्प + video lecture Aug
2 weeks बाबाजी १९९९ विडियो  + sah astitva vadi vigyan reading Sep
2 weeks बाबाजी मूल तत्व विडियो – ‘सत्संग’ Sep
4 weeks कर्म दर्शन – भाग २ – सहअस्तित्ववादी विज्ञान – पठन + Video lecture Oct
6 weeks भौतिकवाद – chosen chapters + video  lecture Nov-Dec
6 weeks आध्यात्मवाद  – full + video lecture Dec-Jan 2023
2 weeks Watch Babaji Videos Feb
8 weeks व्यवहार दर्शन + video  lecture Feb-Mar-April
6 weeks समाजशास्त्र + video  lecture April-May
1 week भौतिकवाद = remaining chapters May
4 weeks परिभाषा संहिता + video  lecture June
4 weeks अर्थशास्त्र + video  lecture July
3 weeks संवाद १ Aug
1 week Babaji Audio/Video Aug
3 weeks संवाद २ Sep
1 week Babaji Audio/Video Sep
4 weeks अध्ययन विधि शिविर Oct
2 weeks Babaji Audios on this subject Nov
2 weeks अनुभव दर्शन +  video  lecture Nov
4 weeks मनोविज्ञान +  video  lecture Dec
4 weeks अभ्यास दर्शन Jan 2024
4 weeks संविधान  +  video  lecture Feb
QnA, way ahead March
1 week navigating the information
navigating adhyayan stages
navigating life decisions
Next Steps
1 option to continue to unpublished लेख 6 months
2 Continue to shastradhyayan goshti ongoing
3 connects to manan goshti ongoing
4 See link for journey
1 Total Duration – Approx 2 years without breaks.
2 ~2.5 Years with 1 week Breaks per month
3 Option to meet at local chapters: example: Gujarat, RJ, Dilli, Deogarh with local panel every 3 months for 3 days
4 Full Group meeting once every year / summer / diwali vacations me
5 Time per book is approximate and will be revised based on actual pace
6 Time Table
Group Reading -1 hr per day
Video Watching – 1 hr/day
Audio listening -1 hr /day (optional)
self reading additional – 1 hr/day (optional)
Weekends QnA – 4 hrs
अभ्यास –
<Reflect on, Implement theory during living at home (vyavhar) & during work (karm) the entire day>

Download 2022 Batch Online Adhyayan Time Table