Dec 082022

Jeevan Vidya Intro Workshop

Location: Progress Hall, Bharat Nivas, Auroville, Puducherry
Dates: 2-7 Feb 2023
Prabodhak: Sh Ashok Gopala
Language: English
Registration Link:
Phone:  9819414523

All Shivirs

About Jeevan Vidya Shivir

शिविर के पश्चात परिचय पठन सामग्री  /  Resources for after the workshop

Invitation Note

*Jeevan Vidya Introductory Course @ Auroville Feb 2023*

We are looking to offer a Jeevan Vidya Introductory Course in Auroville from 2nd to 7th February 2023, facilitated by Ashok Gopala (and assisted by his daughter Drishta Gopala). The course requires 26 hours span over 6 days, including two full days from 9am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday, and 4 weekdays with evening slots between 5.30 pm and 8.00 pm. Here’s a brief description of the course and the proposed dates in early February.

The course will be offered freely, however it is important to commit to attending all the sessions. There may be a nominal charge to contribute towards the venue.

There is space for about 25 to 30 people, so anyone who might be interested to attend this, please reach out to me on +919818414523 so we can get a sense of the numbers.

About the Jeevan Vidya course:

What is Jeevan Vidya?
• Jeevan Vidya a proposal for understanding all of life – self, relationships, society and the natural world – through exploration and inquiry.
• It is offers a road map towards greater clarity and insight, to enable living with integrity and harmony at all levels of existence.
• Jeevan Vidya focuses on the study of the human being, and proposes self-verification as the tool through which a lived (embodied) understanding is possible. This brings a coherence in our thinking, choices and behaviour at all levels.

*Jeevan Vidya is based on Madhyasth Darshan by Shri A. Nagraj (1920-2016)*

‣ It does not aspire to establish a sect or a commune.
‣ It is not based on any prevalent religion, spiritual school, philosophy or ideology.
‣ It is not for making money or achieving fame.

All Jeevan Vidya workshops are offered as a gift to society, with the sole purpose being to bring about coexistential harmony through awareness and understanding.

Progress Hall, Bharat Nivas, Auroville, Puducherry

Proposed Dates:
2nd to 7th February 2023

Wed 2nd 5.30pm-8pm (only evening)
Th 3rd 5.30pm-8pm (only evening)
Fri 4th 5.30pm-8pm (only evening)
Sat 5th 9am-5pm (full day)
Sun 6th 9am-5pm(full day)
Mon 7th 5.30pm-8pm (only evening)

Note: Beyond the hours of the course the facilitators will be available for informal interactions throughout the duration of the course.

 December 8, 2022  workshops