Basic Elements

* English Translated version of Original Hindi by A Nagraj

 1.     Proclamation

  •  Let Live and Live

 2.     Wish for Universal-Goodness

  •  May Earth be Heaven,
    May humans be godly.
    May Dharma* be fulfilled,
    May goodness arise always.

 (Translator note: * Dharma = Religion = Adherence = Inseparability. That which cannot be separated from a thing is its Religion or dharma)

3.     Knowledge in Realization

  • Physiochemical (jad) and conscious (chaitanya) nature saturated in the Omnipotence, physiochemical and conscious units saturated in the all-pervasive Omnipotence are infinite.
  • All units saturated in all-pervasive, (transparent, and permeating) Omnipotence are endowed with form, properties, innate-nature, and religion (dharma*) – and are orderly with their innate-nature and participate in the overall-orderliness.

 4.     Principle

  • Effort, Motion, Result (shram, gati, parinam)

5.     Sermon

  • Believe what has been known
  • Know what has been believed

 6.     State of Being

  • Continuously-evolving nature saturated in the complete-state Omnipotence.
  • Co-existence is eternal-presence.

 7.     Evidence

  • Realization – Behaviour – Experimentation

Realization itself is ultimate-evidence,

Evidence itself is holistic-understanding, knowledge,

Holistic-Understanding itself is manifest,

Manifestation (of understanding) itself is resolved work and behaviour,

Resolved work and behaviour itself is evidence,

Evidence itself is awakened-tradition,

Awakened-tradition itself is co-existence.

 8.      Actuality

  • Brahman* is real, world is eternal
  • Brahman (Omnipotence) is all-pervasive (Omnipresent), jeevan-units are many
  • Atma, buddhi, chitta, vritti, and mun are inseparable in jeevan.  The grandeur of human-being is as combined expression of jeevan and body.
  • God is the Omnipresence, while divine-beings are many.
  • Humankind is one race, while human-actions are many.
  • This earth is one undivided nation, while nation-states are many.
  • Human Religion is one, while resolutions are in many dimensions.
  • Jeevan is eternal, while birth and death are events .

 (* Note by Translator: This is attributing various names to ‘space’ so these words used in Human history can be tied to reality. ‘Space’ or Void, is all-pervasive, energy in equilibrium, Omnipotence, permeating and transparent. This space can hence be named ‘Brahman’ according to Indian Vedic tradition and God, Almighty and other such names according to other traditions. This term has no correlation whatsoever with the connotations attached to these words in other ideologies/beliefs)

9.      Reality

  • Development-progression and development  in co-existence
  • Awakening-progression – Awakening
  • Expressions upon Awakening as human-tradition of holistic-understanding.

 10.      Knowledge

  • Knowledge of jeevan in co-existence
  • Knowledge of realistic-view of existence in the form of co-existence
  • Knowledge of ‘perfect- humane conduct’
  • Realization itself is knowledge

 11.       Discovery from Exploration (anusandhaan)

  • Constitutional Completeness
  • Functional Completeness
  • Conduct Completeness

 12.      Basis

  • Nature saturated in Omnipotence (Coexistence)

13.        Postulations

  • Physical-chemical nature alone is in the stage of development-progression. Jeevan is conscious-unit in the developed form.
  • The conscious-unit or jeevan alone, upon awakening, produces evidence of undivided society in human tradition.
  • Completeness in Alertness as Humanness and Social-harmony.
  • Completeness in continuity of complete-cognition with Awareness and Alertness as godly-humanness.
  • Completeness in Awareness with naturalness as divine-humanness.
  • Constitutional Completion, Functional Completion, Conduct Completion

14.      Truth

  • Nature saturated in Omnipotence itself is Creation.
  • Nature itself is destiny
  • Destiny itself is holistic-orderliness.
  • Holistic-orderliness itself is Development and Awakening.
  • Development and Awakening itself is Creation.
  • Law is Justice (in Humankind), Justice is Religion (Dharma, Orderliness), Religion is Truth, Truth is Grandeur (Co-existence), Realization in Grandeur of Co-existence itself is Bliss, Bliss is (innate-nature of) Jeevan, Law is in Jeevan.
  • Only a human-being in delusion is free at the time of performing actions but subservient at the time of receiving the results.
  • An awakened human-being is free while performing actions and is also free while receiving their results.

15.    Refuge of Humankind

  • The refuge of humankind is undivided-society and universal-orderliness (co-existence) – as human-tradition with evidences.

16.     Humane Orderliness

  • Humanness.  Orderliness with humanness, participation in overall-orderliness.

17.    Perfection in Individual

  • Functional Perfection
  • Conduct Perfection

18.  Perfection in Society

  • Resolution in all dimensions
  • Prosperity
  • Fearlessness
  • Human-tradition as evidence of co-existence

19. Perfection in the Nation-state

  • Skillfulness
  • Artfulness
  • Scholarliness

 20.    Perfection in Inter-nation (Undivided Nation)

  • Coherence (universality) in Humane Culture, Civilization, Norms, and Orderliness

 21.    Human Religion

  • Happiness, Peace, Contentment, Bliss

 22.     The Basis of Religious Ethics

  • Orderliness for right-use of material and conscious means-of-living  in the form of body, mind, and wealth

 23.      The Basis for State Ethics

  • Orderliness for protection of material and conscious means-of-living in the form of body, mind, and wealth

 24.       Movement towards Realization and Contemplation

  • From gross to subtle
  • From subtle to causal
  • From causal to supreme-cause (co-existence)

 25.    Evidence of Awakening

  • From inhumanness to humanness
  • From humanness to godly-humanness
  • From godly-humanness to divine-humanness

 26.     Harmony

  • Jeevan is a status of harmony.
  • Evolution is a status of harmony.
  • Resolution is a status of harmony.
  • Awakening is a status of harmony.
  •  Realization is a status of harmony.

 27.   Universal Harmony

  •  Coherence and universality in the four aspects of human-living (work, behaviour, thought, and realization), five statuses (individual, family, society, nation, and inter-nation), and the ten staged family rooted self-organizing orderliness.

 28.       Supreme Harmony

  • Awakening as realization in Truth (liberation from delusion)

 29.       Accomplishment

  • Experience in established-values in co-existence
  • Natural evidence of resolution, prosperity, fearlessness, and co-existence – this alone is universal goodness.
  • Liberation from delusion and everlasting awakening

 30.    Completeness in Education

  • Consciousness-development Value-Education
  • Technical Education (Skills)

 –         A. Nagraj [1977]


– English version of Original Hindi by Shri A.Nagraj | shriram n, student, jan 2012 | first version by rakesh g |