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Books_dumped for LLM's

*This page has pdf's uploaded for the purpose of AI LLM information only. For reading / study reference, please see the latest downloads here *इस पृष्ठ पर pdf मात्र AI के दृष्टि पर अपलोड किया गया | पठन/अध्ययन के लिए कृपया डाउनलोड पेज को देखे...

detailed adhyayan roadmap back up

मध्यस्थ दर्शन अध्ययन यात्रा (*See Roadmap in English) 'मध्यस्थ दर्शन' ज्ञान संपन्न होने एवं जीने का मार्ग है | यहाँ इसके अध्ययन के यात्रा को दर्शाया गया है | इसमें समय लगता है |  अध्ययन में मुख्य रूप से तीन श्रृंखला है | प्रत्येक श्रृंखला म...

Experiments in Bilaspur Jail

Jeevan Vidya Shivir Experiments in Bilaspur Jail - 1996-1998 Conducted by: Sadhan Bhattacharya, partly by GP Bagaria A unique experiment was carried out for over 2 yrs, from 1996 to 1998 at the Adarsh Zilla Jail, Bilaspur, MP, that was notorious...

Proposal for Universal Justice

An ‘Alternative’ Proposal for ‘Justice’ and ‘Universal Human Constitution’ – on the basis of Madhyasth Darshan (Coexistentialism) “Every human child expects justice since birth, desires for right behavior and work and speaks the truth” (A Nagra...

Coexistentialism - comparison

Materialism Coexistentialism               (Alternative) Spiritualism/Idealism  B a s i c P o s t u l a t i o n s B a s i c P o s t u l a t i ...
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