Systems for Living: Family Based Organization


(परिवार मूलक ग्राम स्वराज्य व्यवस्था)


The ultimate goal is to enable self-sustaining human settlements on this planet to create a “Universal Human Order living in Harmony” that lives with the universal human goal of:

  1. Intellectual resolution in every Individual -leading to happiness
  2. Material prosperity in every Family – leading to peace
  3. Trust in society – leading to satisfaction
  4. Coexistence with Nature – leading to bliss

The following 5 Dimensional societal systems would be needed to ensure the fulfillment of the above human 4 objectives or human target. Work is underway in all these Dimensions.

  • Humane Education based on Right values
    • Consciousness development based value education to ensure right understanding in every individual/child
  • Holistic Health based on Discipline
    • For nurturing and maintaining the body
  • Socially meaningful & environmental friendly Production based on Work
    • Fulfill material needs of the family (producing in line with harmonious principles in nature)
  • Just & fair Exchange systems based on Storage
    • Fulfill Material needs (based on mutual fulfillment and not exploitation)
  • Humane Justice & Security
    • To protect ‘human-ness’ and enrichment of the entire Nature (co-existence with nature)

This becomes the basis for a Universal Human Order – from Family Organization to World-Family Organization, starting from a family -> to a group of families -> to the village -> group of villages -> county -> block -> district -> state -> nation state -> inter-nation.



People & families living in the various study locations are implementing and experimenting with:

Mutual fulfillment via behavior & justice,

Nature-friendly ways of sustainable Agriculture, Dairy and Energy Technologies

Cooperative Exchange mechanisms that are free of exploitation and adulteration.

Public education based on responsibility & generosity – not for money or private gain

School education as a responsibility to the next generation

Natural ways of maintaining health & holistic healing.

The people engaged in the study & practice of Madhyasth Darshan, jeevan vidya, have amongst them rich expertise in the above fields.  The basic idea is to live according to this understanding, existential principles, according to intellectual-law, social-law and natural-law. Once this has been achieved in one place or a few locations, this will replicate itself, just as a single seed can replicate itself to form trees, and ultimately, an entire forest.


– shriram n | student | december 2016