Important note on ‘Centers’


*See ‘MCVK Indore’ Caution Note

Basis for listing a ‘recommended center’

Anyone that came in touch with (late) Shri A.Nagraj and/or Madhyasth Darshan literature is free to ‘teach’ or start a ‘center’ Institution, etc using the Madhyasth Darshan tag. There is no ‘granting agency’ that permits or validates a center.

The ‘centers’ or locations must ideally have certain characteristics in line with Madhyasth Darshan teachings.


How ‘we’ Function

Jeevan Vidya, Madhyasth Darshan does not have a ‘central committee’ of any kind and follows a broad, decentralized model that is mutually cooperative. Individuals /Families living at a location are responsible for their own decisions. They are not ‘monitored’ by any ‘outside group’. Individuals & Families from across the Country have taken up certain responsibilities of their own accord (such as website, sms, printing, distribution, sammelan, textbooks, research work, translations etc) & carry them out in consultation with other friends.

Those that have been with this darshan since a long time periodically come together as various assemblies (सभा)  & share their common concerns in various platforms/groups. The discussions/ decisions in such ‘sabhas’ are reflections of the individual understanding (समझ), perspectives (दृष्टि) & discrimination (विवेक) of its participants.

Members thus join the activities /groups they agree with or are interested in and this is how ‘things get done’.

The final proposed method of working is Family based Village Organization (परिवार मूलक ग्राम स्वराज्य व्यवस्था) in which assembly-committees or ‘sabhas’ consist of awakened individuals (जागृत सभा). Till such time, each location/center functions based on its understanding & practice which are a reflection of its inhabitants, which are constantly evolving.

People from these locations meet periodically to share their individual and collective progress at goshtis and the rashtriya sammelan (national confluence).

All this put together is ‘we’.

Importance of “Stable Reference” for the student

We recommend that the serious student keep the Original Works of Shri A.Nagraj as the reference baseline for their study. Any ‘center’ or location exists to only facilitate a student/aspirants study and provide a space for them to learn & practice. It thus becomes imperative to choose the ‘appropriate person & place‘ to further one’s study.

An in-person survey of the locations below is highly recommended before one finalizes a place to pursue ones study or stay. It is important to keep in mind the Method of Study (अध्ययन प्रक्रिया).

This is so until such time that a few of us do not become full realized (in developed consciousness) ourselves. एक से अधिक मानव जागृत हुए पर्यंत श्री ए.नागराजजी द्वारा लिखित मध्यस्थ दर्शन ही आधार रहेगा | जागृति के पश्चात मानव स्वयं आधार, धारक वाहक रहेगा | इसमें भी लिखित दर्शन साथ रहेगा ही |

Page last updated by Shriram Narasimhan on 11 Aug 2020,  01.01.2023
Questions? write to info (AT) divya-path (dot) org


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