Proposal for Universal Justice


An ‘Alternative’ Proposal for ‘Justice’ and ‘Universal Human Constitution’

– on the basis of Madhyasth Darshan (Coexistentialism)

“Every human child expects justice since birth, desires for right behavior and work and speaks the truth” (A Nagraj, propounder: Madhyasth Darshan) {* ‘Realistic-view of Mediation’, or ‘Coexistentialism’}.

The child does not know the above realities (Justice, Right behavior-work & Truth). He depends on human tradition in order to understand these. Beliefs by name of Justice, Right behavior-work & Truth are commonly accepted by various communities. Accepting such beliefs, or the combination thereof, we grow up to be adult citizens, continuing to expect fulfillment or Justice in human relationships.

What then really is Justice? Is there a form of Justice, a definition of Justice that is Universal? If there is, it will satisfy the following criteria:

  • Recognize each human as a unit of an Undivided Human Society (Irrespective of Color, Creed, Caste, Geography, Language, etc).
  • Recognize the nature of Human Relationships and their purpose
  • Have the ability to live with human values such as Trust, Respect, Affection, Love, etc, and be mutually satisfied in human relationships
  • Ensures the nourishment, protection and enrichment of Humane-ness (Humanity)

This is Justice. To understand and ensure the above, it becomes essential to understand the:

  • very nature of the Human Being,
  • the basis of Human Relationship, including its underlying existential reality, and
  • the nature of Existence itself (*Existence – all the exists) .

It is only on having universally verifiable answers to the above can a Universal, satisfying notion of Justice even be possible. While we have been able to arrive at a common understanding of stones, plants and animals, a universal, common understanding of the human is still awaited. In other words,while humans of all nations trust physical things, trusting humans has still not been possible. Thus far, it has not been possible to identify humanness, human conduct, human mentality and human nature with certainty & universality.

This has now become possible via Madhyasth Darshan [existence based human focused contemplation], or ‘Coexistentialism’, a new development in human understanding. It has come about via original existential exploratory-research by A Nagraj of Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh, India and has no connection with past ideologies and beliefs. A Nagraj, (now aged 94), had ‘realization’ of entire existence (all that exists); he found answers to all questions related to the Human being and Existence. Some fundamental tenets are:

  • Existence itself is coexistence, as ‘units saturated in all-pervasive Space’; orderliness and Harmony is innate to Existence.
  • Existence is Stable – Awakening and Progress are Definite.
  • Nature is manifested as the four “natural-orders”: material, plants, animals & humans – that are self-organized and participate in the larger orderliness. They are in Harmony. The Human being alone creates problems due to his ignorance and delusion, as a result of living in an undeveloped state of consciousness called ‘animal consciousness’. The Human too wants to be in this Orderliness, and can do so by having ‘Knowledge’ and living in ‘developed Human-consciousness’.
  • The Material Order inherits its behavior from its constitution (as in atoms); the Plant Order its behavior from seeds; the Animal Order its behavior from Race; while the Humans Behavior is according to his mentality or values (that can either be based on beliefs, or on knowledge, reality) *.

(* For example: An underlying assumption/view that ‘Existence/Nature is in struggle or chaos’, will only yield living which is conflict-centric. It is not possible to have Justice (mutual fulfillment in human relationship) as long as such a view prevails. On the other hand, if his values/mentality are aligned to Existential Truths – of there being inherent Harmony/Coexistence and Universal Orderliness, he will bring this to living form)

Based on the above facts, the following convictions can be realized:

  • Earth is One (Undivided Nation) – Nation States are many
  • Human Race is One (based on the formation of the Body) – Human actions are many
  • Human Society is One – Communities are Many.
  • Human Aim/Purpose is One (every human desires to be happy, and live in Orderliness) – the ways to fulfill this are many
  • Human Capabilities are the same – their manifestations are many.
  • Universal Justice is One* – Beliefs about the same are many

   {* Justice – the recognition of Human Relationships, fulfillment of values (Trust, Respect, Affection…), Evaluation and Mutual Satisfaction of both Individuals }

  • Human Constitution is One* – Aphorisms and Explanation of Ordinances in expectation of Completeness of (Human) tradition

This proposal (Madhyasth Darshan or Coexistentialism) dispels all mysteriousness by providing answers to human questions regarding the nature of Reality & Existence, the nature of the Human-being & Existential purpose of the Human being. It identifies and defines

  • Universal Humane Conduct,
  • Universal Human Values and
  • Universal Human Religion.

It proposes

  • Universal Knowledge, Wisdom & Science,
  • Universal Education, Universal Human-conduct, Universal Human Constitution & Systems, and
  • Human Culture, Civility & Norms of living.

This leads to an Undivided Human Society and Universal Orderliness, wherein humankind can live in balance with the rest of nature. These answers are not imaginative and idealistic, but an outcome of direct-realization & understanding of Reality, as-it-is.

The method for transmission of such understanding or knowledge from one human to the other has been obtained, tested and proven. A number of initiatives are currently underway in various State Education Departments and Universities in India to bring this understanding into living.

This entire understanding has been written in 12 books in three sets, as:

  • Darsana, or ‘realistic-view’: Existential postulations from realization;
  • Vaada, or ‘ism: Expansion at the level of thought;
  • Shastra or code of conduct/discipline in living and
  • Samvidhan or Universal Humane Constitution – from essence to detail: in the form of human code of ethics

This ‘Alternative Proposal’ has manifested itself in front of humankind via an individual in an existentially natural way.Until individualistic and communal-mentality prevail, excess-consumption, conflict and wars will remain, and global peace is not possible. If man desires to continue living on this planet, it is imperative to become free of criminal-mentality and delusion, so that the earth may regain its lost balance. The desirable outcomes of our progress to date have been in the areas of food-shelter-decoration, & radio television and transport. We are yet to have “justice” in human-relationships, “orderliness/resolution” as human religion & know the ‘truth’. Adopting this ‘Alternative’ seems to be the only way out.



English Version authored by: Shriram Narasimhan & Sadhan Bhattacharya (

Based on the Original in Hindi by A Nagraj. 

Tags: Jeevan Vidya, Madhyasth Darshan, Saha-astitva-vaad, Coexistentialism.

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