The Philosophy of Coexistence


Coexistence is the underlying law of the universe. It is the very basis of existential reality.  It is the highest principle encompassing each and every element; we can say it’s the essence of the universe.

‘Nothing’ is alone, or ever will be. Indeed, Existence needs a ‘seer’ and the ‘seen’. So there is atleast this coexistence. 2 or more particles come together and form an atom. An atom is in intrinsic order. It is a coexistence of sub-atomic particles. Indeed, were these particles not to come ‘together’, no recognizable matter would exist, since nothing perceptible would form! I.e., we would have been in a vast emptiness with no planets at all!

On this planet, we see that every state is an expression of harmonious Coexistence. Nature, with its deep inter-linkages and its astounding order, the incredible symmetry in a snowflake for instance, the spellbinding complexity and spontaneous order in the human body for example, are all live examples of coexistence.

We humans want to be in coexistence. Indeed, our bodies themselves are a coexistence of many individual organs that all function together in a beautiful symphony.

Have we humans created any of this?

All this is occurring spontaneously, in coexistence.

As humans, we seek each others company.

We seek each other’s comfort

We seek refuge in one another.

Be it as families or as communities we feel comfortable in each other’s company. Indeed, we humans need another even to argue. For, if there was not more than one of us, who would we live with? Who would we be bothered about?

This means we are linked. Inextricably.

We would like harmony in such human relationships. Not having harmony, or having conflict bothers us.

We want these relationships within the Family. We want these harmonious relationships between families. Indeed, we would like to have harmonious coexistence between every human family.  Such families put together themselves form a harmonious society.

However, even though we humans deeply desire such Coexistence, we are not able to see or appreciate this in daily life. We end up fighting within the family, amongst families, between communities, and across nation-states.

Verily, we are somehow unable to translate our very innate intent for Coexistence into living 

This is because as humans we live in underdeveloped consciousness. 

Coexistential Philosophy

The Philosophy of Coexistence is a paradigm-breaking discovery by Shri A.Nagraj of India. It posits that Coexistence is the innate nature of Existence, or Reality.

Order and Organization are intrinsic to nature. Indeed, as humans we are only able to study and comprehend orderly states. When we have a state of order within, we experience states such as happiness, peace, contentment and bliss.

  • The universe is the coexistence of all-pervasive energy and matter and this coexistence is inseparable, indestructible, and imperishable.
  • Human Life is also the coexistence of the sentient, incorporeal & imperishable jeevan-atom and the material, insentient body.
  • Human beings have the most advanced physical body with a fully evolved cortex and faculty of imagination which is absent in other creatures.
  • Inherently the human race is one, the problem among human beings is their imagination, add to it the incorrect education and knowledge handed down by culture and society.
  • Human beings innately desire love and affection with other human beings and to lead a life without conflict or that creates pain or suffering for other human beings.
  • Social norms and culture to date have not been able to create a social structure or establishment which is conducive to practising this humane way of life.
  • Man believes in Perceived reality over actual reality due to the incorrect education and knowledge handed down by culture and society.
  • The world can be aligned to the actual reality of inherent harmony & Coexistence via a systematic change in education and societal practices.





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