World Organization


Five Dimensional Human Program

An Organization of the Human World is needed in order to establish, sustain and further human endeavors that are in line with the Human Goal of having an awakened Society. An awakened human society fulfills the Human aim of Happiness, Peace, Satisfaction & Bliss.

There are thus two kinds of programs for us:

  • A Program to ensure understanding or Knowledge in the conscious Self – leading to Resolution
  • A program to ensure requirements of the Body – leading to Prosperity.

Put together, these fulfill the Universal Human Goal of

  • Intellectual Resolution in every Human
  • Material Prosperity in every Family
  • Fearlessness in Society – leading to an Undivided Society
  • Coexistence with Nature – leading to Universal Order

The program to fulfill the above Goals are in the following 5 dimensions, for which a committee needs to be formed in every village. Every family is assumed to consist of 10 members and a family shall spare one member to participate in the village organization. Every village shall consist of 100 such families, and will thus have a 10 member “village organization council”. This council shall then form 5 committees to address the following five dimensions:

  1. Education & right values or sanskar Committee
  2. Health & Discipline Committee
  3. Production & Work Committee
  4. Exchange & Storage Committee
  5. Justice & Security Committee


A brief elaboration is provided below:

1. Education & right values or sanskar Committee

This is the primary program for Humans. The human is a combined form of the conscious self or jeevan and the physical-chemical body. The basic need of the conscious jeevan is knowledge or understanding, by which it becomes fulfilled: has happiness, peace, satisfaction, etc. The primary purpose of Education is to thus enable this need.

This is called Humane Education and is possible via Consciousness Development via Human Values (CVMS). Our entire education will have to be re-establishedin this light. Our way of looking at ourselves, at reality, and our program has to be re-looked at. This committee shall look into these aspects:

This is in contrast to current day Education where the aims vary from place to place, from country to country. There have been two kinds of Education in human history to date:

Religious Education, which seeked to further Religious aims and dictats

Materialist Education: which seeks to establish a proven understanding of Material Reality and the ability to acquire it in later life

‘Coexistentialist Education’ means to understand all aspects of Existence, Human Being, and Human Living on this basis.


2. Health & Discipline Committee

The Body is needed for the conscious jeevan to acquire knowledge and also express this understanding in Human Living: in family, society, etc. Humans did not make the human body. We did not make ourselves. We have come to be.  The human body is a fine balance of many many vital organs that work together to function as a synergistic whole. All the organis work together in a fine rythm so the 5 senses (sight, touch, sound, smell & taste) and 5 motor organs (hands, feet, urination, excretion & swallowing) function smoothly.

The role of discipline is to understand what is suitable for the Human Body and ensure this. It is the responsibility of conscious jeevan to do this. Health is a result of this discipline and nutrition & exercise. To be healthy means the 5 sense organs and 5 momtor organs are functioning as per the needs of jeevan. This committee shall look into these aspects.

Today, we see that we try and get satisfaction from the Body. Since our need for happiness in continuous, the things we do with the body, on the body in order to derive sensory pleasure is also seemingly endless, due to which the Body becomes abused. Hence, it is only with discipline that Health can be ensured.


3. Production & Work Committee

The Body needs material input. Human endeavor needs material input. The efforts we apply on the rest of nature to get material things is called Work. Production is a result of work. On understanding Coexistence, work follows the approach below:

  • We produce as much as is needed to fulfill and exceed the material requirements of the Family. Since the need of the Body is limited, production is also definable and becomes limited.
  • The method of production follows the inherent  laws of cyclicity in Nature – human production thus not only sustains Nature, but can also enrich it.

This in contrast to our current approach where production is unlimited, even behaving with people is considered work, and most of our reliance on energy and production techniques, not to mention consumption patterns are steadily eroding Nature.


4. Exchange & Storage Committee

Not everyone produces everything. We dont produce all year round. We thus store the excess production for future use and Exchange the excess with others for goods that we may need in return. We are able to do this with the right understanding. This means we have understood Justice, Religion & Truth. The perspectives of Liking, Health & Profit become retrained under the influence of such understanding. We are thus able to partake in profit-less Exchange and do not engage in hoarding out of fear, greed, etc.

Our exchange mechanisms today are profit-centric. They assume that profit will lead to goods, which shall lead to happiness. They also assume that a few people profiting will benefit the larger society. The problem with this is there is no end-point of satisfaction when it comes to profit, since there will always be a mathematical number in profit that will be greater than what we have. This leads to hoarding of wealth. This whole notion needs to be re-looked at, since it is not serving human purpose.


5. Justice & Security Committee

Justice means the code of conduct to ensure the protection of humanness. Justice can only be understood on understanding human relationship, which itself can only be understood on understanding the human being and the nature of reality that connects two humans. The satisfaction point of human relationship itself is Justice. This is achieved by recognizing relationships as they are a part of Human Order, fulfillment of the values and mutual fulfillment of both humans involved.

When we rightly-utilize a thing, it automatically becomes secured. In this way, we are able to ensure the security of mind, body and wealth by right-utilization.

Today, we pass judgements in the name of justice. We talk of justice only in response to a wrong that has been done. We don’t understand what Justice is, in itself. Retribution and punishment depends on fear as a deterrent. It doesn’t teach right understanding. As a result, our crimes never seem to stop. Such use of force and power itself gives rise to struggles and uprising, which causes a Security problem.

Individuals, societies  and Nations, in their endless quest for power, influence and wealth routinely transgress onto others boundaries, further exacerbating the problem. The basic reason for this is that the continuous needs of the conscious jeevan cannot be fulfilled by the finite material world. The faculties in the jeevan are inexhaustible. They can only be fulfilled by knowledge. If we understand this, our problems in Justice and Security sort themselves out.


10-staged Family based World Organization

These 5 dimensions of the Human Program can be carried out in 10 stages: starting from a single family at the first stage, to the entire world at the 10th stage. Each family elects a representative for coordinating with at the societal level, and 10 such members then go onto form a committee connecting to the next village or town.

Thus, at the first (1st) level, around 10 people in a family (called “Family Organisation”)  are engaged  in activities related to resolution and prosperity meeting their partial needs through own production.

At the second (2nd) level, 10 such families (called “ Neighbour  Family Organisation”)  organised together and participating in 5 dimensional program are able to meet all basic requirement and some additional requirements of all 10 families. Each family with consent of all 10 members (called “Family Assembly”) spares a member for coordinating the activities of these 10 families in addition to carrying activities in family as agreed by all members of the family. These 10 members spared from 10 families make a “Neighbour Family Assembly”.

The same sequence of each level electing 1 member, and 10 such members forming a committee of governance or order is then continued at the level of the Village, County, Block, District, Group of Districts, State, Nation and Inter-Nation, thus connecting all the way to the entire World in 10 stages.

Thus based on this understanding, we have the relationship from Family to World Family and systems for human functioning from Family Order to World Family Order.

The Concept of Village based Organization – by A Nagraj

“The basis for an Undivided Society is Village Organization”

– From the Original Hindi (परिवार मूलक ग्राम स्वराज्य व्यवस्था) by A Nagraj | English version by Shriram | Student | Jan 2017

The Family is the fundamental unit of the Village Organization. The family itself is a complete humane organization. Swarajya or self-rule means having the ease of access to Justice, Production & Exchange. The meaning of freedom or swatantrata is every human being self-organized and expressing, conveying and propagating the same.  This takes place by knowing and assuming the Truth in the form of Existence, i.e. recognizing & fulfilling the mutually occurring relationships & values in Existence.

“Every Human in Existence” is in organization with humanness and participates in the social organization.  The obvious form of this is freedom in the form of self-organization and swarajaya or self-rule in the form of participation in the entire (larger) order. The participation of organization with the entirety is only possible with more than one person. Which is why the combined form of more than one person itself is nothing but family. It is only with perfect human conduct & behavior along with the availability of intellectual resolution and material prosperity in such a family that village self-rule or organization itself becomes easily possibly which becomes the basis for an undivided society.


Availability of justice-security in the family and in humanity means the recognition of human and ecological relationships and the fulfillment of values intrinsic in them. The form of self-sufficiency in human tradition is freedom (self-organization) in state and self-rule or organization in expression.

Ease of access to means of production-work means making every member of the family independent in occupation by the time they become an adult, so that every adult in the family can get together and produce more than the material needs of the family.  Production within the means of humanness means the production of ordinary expectations (food, clothing, shelter) and extraordinary expectations (radio, transport & television) by putting in physical efforts on the natural grandeur without causing it any harm – in a complementary manner. Material prosperity in the family does need more than this, nor is material prosperity possible in less than this.

Ease of access to cooperative exchange-storage systems means the exchange of goods produced by the family with other families, on the basis of effort-value in a manner free of profit & loss (profit is defined as taking more and giving less in return), so every family can experience material prosperity. Profit centric business setups do not have any room in this system. Complete exchange systems means the exchange of investments of efforts of one family with other families on the basis of the effort-values (of the goods). The village shall have a storage facility, by means of which the excess production in every family shall be exchanged in external markets and the required goods from such external markets or villages shall be made available to the village inhabitants. This system shall be connected to the county, block, district, state and entire nation in a staged manner

It is only after village self-rule or organization is established and easily available, that it becomes possible for every human to participate in the entire existential organization and himself be occupied with humane organization. This itself is the witness of jeevans awakening for which human tradition has been desiring & waiting since time immemorial. Jeevans awakening itself propounds the meaning and usefulness of universal order in humans because evidence and resolution itself are expressions of universality in human tradition.

Becoming proficient in universal sociability is wisdom, its conduct is authority and its protection and enrichment in continuity is sovereignty.

This itself is the aphorism or sutra for humane constitution. The final aim of village organization is the establishment of undivided sociability by which every human in society shall have access to intellectual resolution, material prosperity and ‘coexistence’ in a universal manner.

Thus, the primary aim of this program is to realize and make others realize, the family centric village organization.  Every member of every family in the village shall live with perfect humane conduct. Every human shall recognize and fulfill human & ecological relationships and their intrinsic values. They will obtain material prosperity – in others words, greater production than that is required. They shall express, convey & propagate intellectual resolution. To enable such capabilities itself is Village Organization. The basis of the ‘Village Organization Plan’ is the development of a production based utility-based perspective in the place of a job & business oriented mentality. This is our conception and commitment.

10-staged family based World Organization

 Plan for Organization Councils

1st Level: The Family Council

Every family in the village shall be in the form of ten (10)  members. Should there be less than 10 members in a family, they shall join together with neighbouring families to form a family council. Every member in the – be it children or old people, shall be members in the council. The members of the family shall elect one member from their family as the head to represent them in the neighbourhood family council. Such a person shall be well-versed with understanding of the self ( jeevan vidya) and material understanding.

2nd Level: Group of Families – Neighbourhood Council

In this manner, the heads of 10 families shall come together to constitute a neighbourhood council or family-group-council. One member from 10 such neighbourhood family councils shall be elected to be a member of the village council.

3rd Level: Village Council

In this manner, 10 members that have been elected from 10 neighbourhood councils (or 100 families) shall constitute the village council, out of whom one shall be anointed the chief. Thus, 100 families shall constitute a ‘village organization council’ that shall have 10 elected members.  (For families and villages with lesser or more number of members, the ratios of members will be adjusted accordingly)

4th-10th Level:  block -> region -> county/taluka -> district -> state > nation -> intern-nation

Taking this forward, every village organization council of 10 members shall nominate one person from amongst themselves to the next level of village block council. 10 villages will form a block of villages, of 1000 families and have 10 members at the block council level. 10 such village block organization councils shall nominate 1 member each to the next level of village regional council, and 10 such councils shall nominate 1 member each to the county or taluka council, and 10 such 10 such taluka councils shall nominate 1 member each to the district council, and 10 such district councils shall nominate 1 member each to the state council and 10 such state councils shall nominate 1 member each to the nation-state council, while 1 member each from 10 such nation-state councils shall be elected to the inter-nation council. In this manner, at every level, each person shall only evaluate 10 others and nominate 1 person for the next level.

(This model is suitable upto a population of 1000 crores, or 10 Billion)

Qualifications of council members:

Elected members from the family to the village organization councils shall be qualified as below:

  • Be at least of 21 years of age
  • Will be fully knowledgeable of the self (jeevan vidya) and material knowledge (vastu vidya) and shall be self-sufficient in occupation and sociable in behaviour
  • Shall live with evidence of humane conduct (Righteous-wealth, Morality in married life & kindness in behaviour)

Span of work and term

The span of work of every village organization council shall be up to 100 families.

The Village council shall be elected for a period of 4 years. This applies for the village-organization council as well as the village-group or village-block councils.

Committees in 5 Dimensions

Each village council shall constitute committees in the following 5 dimensions to establish the ‘Village self-rule Organization’ or gram swarajya vyavastha

  • Humane education and right-values committee
  • Production-work advisory committee
  • Cooperative Exchange & Storage committee
  • Health & discipline committee
  • Humane justice & security committee

The aforementioned committees shall work according to the guidance of the village council.  These committees shall in turn work to establish their respective areas.

Membership in the Committees

The members for the above committees shall be nominated by the village organization council. Every member of these committees shall work in a part-time basis and shall fulfill their duties & responsibilities towards their committees over and above their own occupation.

Roles and responsibilities*

* given in short. For complete write-up, see original in Hindi by A Nagraj

Humane education and right-values committee

Enable every human to:

  • Have confidence/assurance in themselves
  • Sociable in behaviour
  • Self sufficient in work
  • Respect for excellence in other humans
  • Which shall lead to balance in their knowledge and personality.

The knowledge imparted shall include the following:

  • Knowledge of Coexistence & evolution
  • Knowledge of self/jeevan, how humans are self-organized and participate in the larger organization, humane perspectives, objects and characteristics
  • Recognition & fulfillment of human and ecological relationships: just-full behavior and lawful occupation

Production-work advisory committee

  • This committee shall enable every healthy male and female in the village to be proficient in some occupation/work and service/seva.
  • They shall provide their advise and make available requisite training and tools/goods for work and production
  • The production shall pertain to ordinary human expectations: food, clothing, shelter and extraordinary expectations: radio, television & transport – after assessing the needs of the village.
  • Protection of the environment and being in harmony in with the environment/nature shall be given prime importance
  • Resource depleting and polluting activities shall not be carried out
  • It shall pertain to: agriculture, animal husbandry, forest produce, fuels, sculpting & small-scale units, etc.

Cooperative Exchange & Storage committee

  • The cooperative exchange and storage committee, or bank shall be an important agency in the village. It shall have its own constitution.
  • This agency shall work in a manner that is free of profit and loss.
  • Its primary objective shall be to source the output of every family in the village and sell the same.
  • It shall work towards removing ‘business-mindset’ and establishing ‘production-work’ mindset
  • It  shall prevent and discourage hoarding of goods in any manner
  • Every individual and family shall have an account in this bank and shall be able to sell their goods and purchase/exchange goods based on the effort put in producing the goods: i.e. based on their ‘utility’ and ‘art’ value.
  • The committee shall work towards establishing a cyclical exchange system based on effort-value and free of profit & loss.

Health & discipline committee

  • Shall take on the responsibility of the health and well-being of every person in the village
  • Create syllabus and study material related to health & discipline and include it in educational curriculum
  • Shall look into exercise, yoga, games, cultural activities, etc
  • Create medicinal facilities, hospital, document and propagate know how of local herbs and their uses, home-remedies, etc.
  • Work towards removal of harmful habits, addiction, etc.

Humane justice & security committee

  • Shall resolve all behavioral disputes and be free of external influence.
  • The justice mechanism shall be based on human consciousness and reform oriented and not one of punishment or retribution.This is because every human has an equal right to live in a humane manner, with ethics.
  • Based on this, there shall be the policies for the protection and right-utilization of mind, body and wealth in the village
  • Humans commit crimes, makes mistakes and misuse their own body, mind and wealth out of lack of knowledge, misconception and  over expectations. Such behavior is not useful from the perspective of humanness, sociability and organization or order.
  • This committee shall be committed to ensure ease of access to justice and security in human behavior. There are 4 main dimensions to justice:
    • Justice in conduct
    • Justice in behavior
    • Justice in Production
    • Justice in Exchange
  • This committee shall be aware of all security in the village. Security means right-utilization, with humanness:
    • Securing the village – the boundaries, forest produce and way of life
    • Securing production & exchange systems – documenting and continuity of justfull means
    • Securing the family – protecting from undesirable influences
    • Securing education & values  – protecting humane means and their continuity
    • Securing health &  discipline – preventing ill habits and continuity of good habits
    • Securing the environment- trees, plants and medicinal herbs

In this manner, every committee shall coordinate as needed with the other committees for their area of operation. The committees in the village shall coordinate as needed with those in the next levels: at the block, district, state levels, etc and the entire network and communication shall be computer enabled.


  • The village organization council shall evaluate the work carried out by the 5 committees from time to time and suggest areas for improvement.
  • The basis for evaluation shall be the roles and responsibilities of these respective committees and the objectives of these 5 dimensions of human organization (education, health, production, exchange and justice)
en English hi Hindi