The Jeevan Vidya Workshop (Parichay Shivir)


Your life

Get a grand unified view of everything with yourself in it.

Looking for Answers?

Begin a Journey

Why Attend

Engage in discussions without any judgements or filters. Get a holistic picture of life.

About True Happiness

What is comprehensive happiness?

Is it an internal state of mind?

Is it a mirage?

Is it only sensory?


Family & Relationships

Can expectations in  relationships be understood?

What is the true purpose of marriage?

What does it mean to be a father, brother...

Actual nature of emotions such as trust, affection, love...

Making sense of the world

Long-term solutions for Social conflict

Wholesome purpose/nature of Education

Environmental issues

How can I contribute meaningfully

Expand your perspectives

Who/Why am I?

Know the depths of your mind

What is existence/reality?

What is the ultimate purpose of all life?

What is a Jeevan Vidya Shivir/Workshop?

A 7-Day Journey to understand yourself as a human being

An interactive, safe space

Ask any question - across the cosmos

No traditional texts

Only thought provoking questions - to examine & question

Get authentic, universal answers

Through self-examination & reflection

Explore Reality, your true self

Through critical thinking in a faciliated dialogue

An Immersive Experience

Paradigm changing concepts, experentially exhilerating

This 'teaching' is *never* charged

Knowledge is free, like the wind. It's everywhere


This interactive 7 day shivir/workshop is designed to make the participant enquire about your own self and the fundamental nature of reality. The workshop is conducted in a clasroom setting where an accomplished facilitator will engage with you in a dialogue that is meant to answer questions from every aspect of your life.

Any and all questions are welcome.


The workshop does not refer to any traditional or existing texts. The facilitator puts forth proposals from reality for you to examine and reflect upon.

There is no sermonizing and all participants are encouraged to examine question it from every possible perspective and ask questions. Gradually, the pieces of information form a meaningful thread in our minds.



By the end of the workshop, you will have a broader canvas & framework to think about yourself and reality. The content offers profound insights into your very nature, an understanding of reality 'as it is' and how everything coexists with one another.

We begin to sense that every aspect of human existence is threaded in the fabric of existence & needs deeper study. Many participants thus become continuing students and practitioners.


About the Philosophy

What is this workshop based on?

'Jeevan Vidya' is based on, and an introduction to 'Madhyasth Darshan (Coexistential Philosophy, Saha-astitva-vad) a new discovery that transcends existing frameworks of human knowledge.

This philosophy provides a 'grand unified view' of our existence. It has a universal resolution to our current existential, personal, familial, social & ecological dichotomies.

This understanding & living results in freedom from illusion & comprehensive happiness.

Click to Read More about the philosophy


What happens

- in 7 Days


- Who we are


- What to expect