Feb 112015

Jeevan Vidya Shivir Experiments in Bilaspur Jail – 1996-1998

Conducted by: Sadhan Bhattacharya, and by GP Bagaria

A unique experiment was carried out for over 2 yrs, from 1996 to 1998 at the Adarsh Zilla Jail, Bilaspur, MP, that was notorious for housing some of the most hardened criminals. Over 15 Jeevan Vidya Parichay Shivir/Workshops were conducted within the Jail premises with prisoners jailed for life or condemned to death for the most heinous crimes. The District Magistrate of Bilaspur at that time had given permission for the same. The results were extremely encouraging. Those that went through the workshop were able to realize their mistakes and found it was possible to get answers to their questions. Their behavior changed for the better and it was found that even these so-called criminals did not really mean to do harm to others. They admitted to committing these crimes out of circumstantial compulsions or lack of clarity. Some of them even started conducting jeevan vidya shivirs themselves inside the prison cells! A copy of their testimonials is available below.

Jeevan Vidya Testimonial : Adarsh Zilla Jail, Bilaspur. – Testimonials of people deemed as hard core prisoners and condemned to death or life for heinous crimes.

 Shivirs Period: mid 1996 – mid 98 (2 years)

 Shivirs were conducted on the following dates:


15-2-97 to 21-2-97 : 20 inmates

27-3-97 to 3-4-97   : 21 inmates

15-5-97 to 21-5-97 : more than 21 inmates

In Ward 14 of the Zilla Jail:

3-5-97 to 10-5-97: 18 inmates

24-5-97 to 30-5-97: 10 inmates

4-6-97 to 11-6-97

17-6-97 to 25-6-97

11-7-97 to 18-7-97

29-7-97 to 5-8-97

21-12-97 to 27-12-97

26-1-98 to 30-1-98


The following improvements happened in me due to Jeevan Vidya:

1. I used to have addictive substances like guthka and tobacco which I have since left

2. I used to always think of taking revenge on my enemies which has now dropped

3. I feel happy when I help others in their work.

4. I don’t get worried as much as I used to do so before.

5. When anything used to happen against my wishes, I would earlier get violently angry – this does not happen anymore.

6. I want to, keep the earths balance safe, for ever

7. I want to live together with people in the jail and outside it.

Dashrath Shrighasiram

Village Tendua, (Jayramgar)

Bilaspur, MP.

Testimony 2:

The following improvements took place in me due to Jeevan Vidya:

1. I used to get very angry before, I do not anymore.

2. When I help others in their work, I now feel happy

3. I used to worry a lot before, I do not as much, now

4. I want to remain trusted and fearless in family and society

5. After taking part in the Jeevan Vidya shivir, I have not been greedy

6. I want to live in harmony with everyone in the jail and outside it.


Village Panchanharha, Village Chirha,


Zilla Bilaspur


Testimony 3:

1. I have stopped worrying and started contemplating instead

2. I used to get angry – not anymore.

3. I used to hate, not anymore.

4. I used to keep thinking of hoarding wealth before, now understand my needs and only want that much.

5. I am able to behave properly – which is liked by my fellow mates and the jail authorities – and this itself gives me happiness

6. Looks, Force, position, and other such qualities we are dependent on in the self- are instable –I have understood this. When we try to go down that path, we become unhappy.


7. I want to take Jeevan Vidya to as many people as possible.

Karan Das

Adarsh Jail, Bilaspur

Testimony 4:

Shambudayal – S/o: Budhram.

The following is based on my spending 1 yr in studying jeevan vidya:

 1. I keep evaluating myself and the body on a daily basis to check whether I am making any mistakes.

2. I stay happy. I understand that worrying creates problems, while contemplation creates solutions. I have started having solutions to many situations I live in.

3. I find that I want to fulfill my relationship with family, society and nature and do my best for the same.

4. I understand the organization in the jail and try to follow it.

5. These shivirs should become permanent in the jail.

– Shambu dayal


 Short testimonials:

 Gyan Singh: I used to keep thinking of breaking the record for sprinting, and every thought used to be for crime, now, this is gone, and I mostly think of doing good work

Suvas: It is through betterment in us that improvement in society takes place. I have chosen the right path for myself.

Naresh: More shivirs should be conducted. I want to understand this more in detail. I could understand these things, but not live them/ repeat immediately – after understanding, it will not be hard to live.

Vinod: I liked the shivir criminal thoughts are getting over

Ramsingh: I could accept good behavior. Bad thoughts and behavior have ended.

Santosh: I learned nice things, I feel like doing good things.

Bhasiram: Happiness comes from understanding human relationships. Mistakes cease.

Arjun: Liked everything. More shivirs should be taken. Liked the ‘mother’ relationship the most.

Chandrakumar: Had internal peace, the mind stabilized, I could get control over thinking the good.

Lakshman: Liked the shivir. More shivirs should happen – till we get this fully into our living.

Babu: Will not commit crimes, will now live properly. Whenever there is a shivir again, I shall do it.

Ranusingh Bagel: There is a need for improvement in behavior – is something I could see only after coming here. Will not commit mistakes now. Changes are needed. My behavior has started changing

Narendra Kumar Mishra: I understood that an inability to recognize and fulfil human relationships is what leads to crime. I had not understood this before. Everyone can become good by right understanding. I am able to accept the right – and not forget it.

Makhanlal: Bad feelings and the feeling of revenge have gone

Shambhuram bhaskar: Understood the self. After coming to the shivir I left tobacco and guthka. Behavior has improved compared to before. The shivirs should be for longer.

Santosh: I understood the way to live in human relationships. I had done a shivir before this one. After that, mental tensions have come down. I don’t want to fight with people. Many more things became clear for me in this second shivir.

Gotilal: Felt nice on doing the shivir. The feeling of taking revenge is gone – I am not happy when I take revenge.

Karandas: Took part in all 3 shivirs. Many things I can now find in my living. I would like nicely in the jail now. I have myself taken a shivir in the jail. In ward no 14 (for the old) I took a shivir for ganesh and ramanand tiwari.

Rameshwar: Did all 3 shivirs. I have understood my purpose of life now. I will now attain the fruits of good deeds.

Ram Sujan Chube: I would never sit at a place before – kept roaming around in the jail before. Now I am sitting for so long in the shivir. Whenever there is a shivir in future, I will take part in it. I now make less mistakes in my behavior.

Kamleshwar: I have understood the method of right evaluation. Been able to understand relationships. Understood the way to happiness. Will do more shivirs in future.

Ramanand Tiwari: In ward No 14, old mates Karandas and Ganesh got together and kept a shivir. Many things are now coming in my living.

Amit Kumar: There have been changes in behavior. This is my 3rd shivir.

Ganesh: This is my third shivir. Everytime, I am getting more clarity. I am also trying so other mates with me can also understand this Vidya.

 February 11, 2015  News & Events
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