Topics of Study


Curriculum-Essence for Value-Education and Consciousness-Development

– By A. Nagraj

Knowing Existence

  1. Study of coexistence as nature (all material and conscious entities) saturated in pervasive-element. 
  1. Study of ten activities of Awakened Jeevan.
1 Atma (nucleus) Realization Evidence Evidencing
2 Buddhi(first orbit) Comprehension Determination Truthfulness
3 Chitta (second orbit) Contemplation Imaging Desiring
4 Vritti (third orbit) Weighing Analysis Thinking
5 Mun (fourth orbit) Tasting Selecting Expecting


Awakened human-being is capable of realizing human-values by recognizing relationships in work and behavior. Families of such awakened humans realize resolution and prosperity. These families, in turn realize their participancy in undivided-society, and universal-orderliness.

  1. Nature – manifested as four definite orders – is energized in pervasive-element.

Matter-Order: Energized, and Active.
Plant-Order: Energized, Active, and Pulsation.
Animal-Order: Energized, Active, Respiration, and Desire-of-living.
Knowledge-Order: Energized, Active, Respiration, Desire-of-living, and having possibility of realizing Wisdom.

  1. Four Definite Orders in Existence
Matter-Order Material Nature Active
Plant-Order Material Nature Pulsating
Animal-Order Conscious Nature Desiring to live, Realizes Animal-Consciousness
Knowledge-Order Conscious Nature Desire to live with happiness; Living with happiness is realizable in Human-Consciousness, Godly-consciousness, and Divine-Consciousness.


  1. Activity of an entity in nature is a combined expression of its potential (shram), flow (gati), and constitution (parinam).
  2. There are many sub-states in Development-Progression. Each sub-state being complete in itself – realizing its usefulness and complementariness by spontaneously being orderliness within and participating in universal-orderliness.
  3. An Earth gets fully enriched with all required kinds of solid and gaseous atoms, before spontaneous emergence of unionizing-activities – which result into natural-chemicals (base, acid, formation-substance, and strengthening-substance).


Cause of above: Coexistence is forever effective.

  1. Emergence of plant-order is imperative on an Earth enriched with these four kinds of natural-chemicals. Plant-order realizes its cyclicality through the seed-conformance method. This is described as Respiration-Plane.
  2. After Plant-Order is fully established, disintegration of its remains spontaneously gives rise to The World of Perspiration-Born.
  3. Development-Progression gets culminated into Development-Completed as Constitutionally-Complete Atom – or Jeevan. Jeevan is conscious-entity.
  4. Emergence of The World of Egg-Born from The World of Perspiration-Born.
  5. Many sub-classes of The World of Egg-Born emerged through successive qualitative-improvement and each sub-class realizes coexistence with its usefulness and complementariness.
  6. The World of Egg-Born eventually emerged into providing link to The World of Body-Born through successive qualitative-improvement – in coexistence.
  7. The World of Egg-Born has three kinds – the kinds who could live on land, the kinds who could fly in sky, and those who could live in water. The World of Body-Born also has all three kinds – though predominantly these live on land. Each kind emerged and established cyclicality of its own tradition – realizing coexistence (through usefulness and complementariness).
  8. Many traditions of Animal-Order got established through successive qualitative-improvement in The World of Body-Born. Human-body is the ultimate-refined stage of this process.
  9. Human-being is a combined expression of body (physiochemical natural-formation) and jeevan(constitutionally-complete atom). Incorrectly believing in existence of many human-races led to humankind recognizing each other based on outward appearances (i.e. colour of skin, height, etc). Human-body however, is only of one kind – irrespective of outward appearances. Humankind is one race. Humankind could recognize this fact only after 20th century. This fact got realized and explained byExistence-Rooted-Human Centric-Ideology, or Madhyasth-Darshan Saha-Astitva-Vad.
  10. Existence-Rooted-Human-Centric-Ideology is an expression of Coexistence as:
    1. Knowledge (Gyan) of Existence
    2. Knowledge of Jeevan
    3. Knowledge of Humane-Conduct
  11. Jeevan-Vidya Program is for universalizing of this wisdom through:
    1. Integrated-Education
    2. Jeevan-Vidya Workshops
    3. Results of Family-Rooted Self-Regulation Orderliness


Expression in Living

  1. Jeevan is the only conscious-entity in existence capable of seeing and knowing.
  2. Wisdom in Jeevan is its awakening, which is realizable in human-living. Presentation and establishment of following analysis:
    1. Humankind lived as many sects and creeds till 20th century.
    2. This resulted in growth of individualism and sectarianism.
    3. Society is not a sect. A sect is not society.
  3. A Human-Being who realizes human-ness is harmony-within and participates in universal-orderliness.
  4. Explanation of vision of undivided humane-society.
  5. Study the vision of Ten Layered Humane-Orderliness.
  6. Human-being as an individual realizes:
    1. Resolution
    2. Awakening
  7. Human-being as a family realizes:
    1. Resolution
    2. Prosperity
  8. Human-being as undivided-society realizes:
    1. Resolution, Prosperity, Fearlessness, Coexistence.
    2. Humankind is one race.
    3. Human-Dharma is one (=resolution) for every human.
    4. Living in omni-dimensional resolution


Essence of undivided-society is: Resolution = Happiness = Human-Dharma

  1. People’s-Representatives selected for family-councils participate in programs of humane-orderliness.
  2. Five Dimensions of Humane-orderliness
    1. Education and Sanskar
    2. Justice and Protection
    3. Production
    4. Exchange of Manual-work
    5. Health and Discipline
  3. Every Human is related with other humans and with Nature at large. Seven Human-Relations
    1. Mother/Father
    2. Son/Daughter
    3. Brother/Sister
    4. Teacher-Student
    5. Peer-Assistant
    6. Friend
    7. Husband/Wife


Three Relations with rest of the Nature (other than humankind)

    1. With Animal-Order
    2. With Plant-Order
    3. With Matter-Order
  1. Purpose needs to be recognized in Human-Relations realizing values in them.
Relation Name Innate Purpose of the relationship
1 Mother/Father Nourishment and Protection
2 Son/Daughter Omni-dimensional Resolution, Usefulness, Complementariness
3 Brother/Sister Mutual assistance for omni-dimensional resolution
4 Teacher-Pupil Knowledge and curiosity
5 Peer-Assistant Responsibility and Duty
6 Friend Mutual complementariness
7 Husband/Wife Realizing wisdom in family through mutual-complementariness.


  1. Wisdom of principle, natural-control, and equilibrium in relationships with nature – other than humankind.
  2. Study and wisdom of principle, natural-control, equilibrium, justice, resolution, and truth.
    1. Four Jeevan-Values
    2. Six Human-Values
    3. Nine Established-Values
    4. Nine Expression-Values
    5. Two Occupation-Values (related with production)
  3. Four Jeevan-ValuesResolution = Happiness
    Resolution and Prosperity = Peace
    Resolution, Prosperity, and Fearlessness = Satisfaction
    Resolution, Prosperity, Fearlessness, and Coexistence Realized = BlissResolution = Having answer of every “why” and “how”
    Prosperity = Producing more than the needs of family in alignment with nature’s-principles.
    Fearlessness = Justice in all human-relationships
    Coexistence = Equilibrium realized in nature’s four orders
    = Living with principle, natural-control, equilibrium, justice, dharma, and truth
  4. Human-consciousness is manifested in human-relations as following established-values and expression-values.
Established-Values Expression-Values
1 Gratitude: Acceptance of help received from anyone for realizing omni-dimensional resolution. Self-restraint: Controlled behavior out of one’s own desire.
2 Glory: Unconditional acceptance for following other’s example. Ease: Expression devoid of complexities and tensions.
3 Reverence: (1) Movement towards higher-value, i.e. qualitative-improvement towards conduct-completeness. (2) Movement towards awakening and truth’s-authenticity – and its continuity. Obedience: Activity for qualitative-improvement in one’s conduct, and for awakening.
4 Love: (1) Experiencing completeness in existence. (2) Combined expression of kindness, beneficence, and compassion. Unanimity: (1) Oneness in mutuality (2) Absence of feeling of otherness (3) Mutually complementary activity in human-relationships and rest of nature.
5 Trust: (1) Realizing values innate in a relationship. (2) Expression of resolution with understanding of orderliness in existence. Complementariness: Cooperating, helping, collaborating
6 Guidance: Continuity of nourishment and protection for omni-dimensional resolution. Spontaneity: (1) Clarity and Truth’s-authenticity (2) Coherence in one’s behavior, practice, thinking, and existential-experience
7 Motherliness: (1) Acceptance of providing nourishment and protection as ultimate form of belongingness. (2) Acceptance of another person to be one’s own manifestation, and its continuity. Generosity: (1) Offering and surrendering one’s resources (as body, mind, and wealth) with happiness as needed for another’s awakening, body’s healthiness, and prosperity. (2) Deploying one’s comforts (prosperity) and happiness (resolution) into right-use for others.
8 Respect: Continuous acceptance of good-qualities (talent and personality) in other person and acknowledging these clearly and with equilibrium. Compliance: Activities of presenting exactly the way a concept, experience, memory, and words were accepted from other person.
9 Affection: (1) Spontaneity in judicious behavior. (2) Spontaneously meeting in, for, and from mutual-fulfillment and its continuity. Commitment: Continuous and sustained efforts for achieving objective of awakening in existence, with its definite conceptualization.


  1. Humane-orderliness in essence is realization of all relations.
  2. Values that are realized in relationships:
    1. Relation of Child towards Parents: Trust and its continuity. Values of Glory, Gratitude, and Love are expressed as Ease, Self-restraint, and Unanimity – along with offering and surrendering of objects and seva.
    2. Relation of Parent/Guardian towards children: Trust and its continuity. Values of Motherliness, Guidance, and Love are expressed as Generosity, Spontaneity, and Unanimity – along with offering and surrendering of objects and seva.
    3. Relation of brother and sister towards each other: Trust and its continuity. Values of Respect, Glory, Gratitude, and Love are expressed as Compliance, Ease, Self-restraint, and Unanimity – along with offering and surrendering of objects and seva.
    4. Relation of Teacher towards Student: Trust and its continuity. Values of Love, Guidance, and Motherliness are expressed as Unanimity, Spontaneity, and Generosity with offering and surrendering of objects and seva.
    5. Relation of Student towards Teacher: Trust and its continuity. Values of Glory, Gratitude, Respect, Love are expressed as Ease, Self-restraint, Compliance, and Unanimity, combined with curiosity for knowledge – with offering and surrendering of objects and seva.
    6. Relation of husband and wife towards each other: Trust and its continuity. Values of Affection, Glory, Respect, and Love are expressed as Commitment, Ease, Compliance, and Unanimity – along with offering and surrendering of objects and seva.
    7. Relation of Peer towards Assistant: Trust and its continuity. Values of Affection, Motherliness are expressed as Commitment with Kindness and Generosity – while giving objects and seva with duty and responsibility.
    8. Relation of Assistant towards Peer: Trust and its continuity. Values of Glory, Respect, and Gratitude are expressed as Ease, Compliance, and Self-restraint – while surrendering seva.
    9. Relation of Friends towards each other: Trust and its continuity. Values of Affection, Respect, and Love are expressed as Commitment, Compliance, and Unanimity – while offering and surrendering objects and seva.
    10. Relation among Family-members: Trust and its continuity. Relations are lived with humane-conduct in work and behavior. Production exceeding the requirements for family’s needs for nourishment, protection, and societal-progress. Usage, right-use, and purposefulness of objects for realizing orderliness.


  • Humankind of five kinds – in three groups.
  • Coexistence is ever-actively-present nature saturated in pervasive-element. Pervasive-element is complete – since it is changeless. Nature is oriented towards completeness due to its being ‘in’ pervasive-element.
  • Man is an entity of knowledge-order is in Illusion-Plane before realizing human-ness. Illusion-plane living is characterized as:
  • Man realizing Human-Consciousness:
  • Man realizing Godly-consciousness (or living as Godly-human):
  • Man realizing Divine-Consciousness (or living as Divine-human)
    1. Sub-human: Man with animal-like mentality, Man with devil-like mentality (living in animal-consciousness)
    2. Human: Man realizing human-ness (living in human-consciousness)
    3. Super-Human: Godly-human, Divine-human (living in Godly-consciousness and Divine-Consciousness)
    1. Individualism, Sectarianism
    2. Living as sub-human (animal-like mentality and devil-like mentality)
    3. Living with fear and greed – due to over-valuation, under-valuation, and un-valuation.
    4. Sub-human characteristics – Inferiority, Weakness, Cruelty. (animal-like mentality – primarily inferiority, demon-like-mentality – primarily cruelty)
    5. Sub-human world-views – Pleasurable, Conduciveness, Profitability
    6. Sub-human Inclinations – Hoarding and Comforts


    • Human Natural-Characteristics: Strength, Courage, Generosity
    • Human  World-view: Justice (primarily)
    • Human Natural-inclination: Living as Humane-Family


    1. Godly Human Natural-characteristics: Strength, Courage, Generosity, Kindness, Beneficence
    2. Godly Human World-view: Dharma (Omni-dimensional Resolution) primarily
    3. Godly Human Natural-inclination: Humane-Orderliness, Undivided-Society, and Universal-Orderliness.
    1. Divine Human Natural-characteristics: Strength, Courage, Generosity, Kindness, Beneficence, and Compassion.
    2. Divine Human World-view: Truth (primarily)
    3. Divine Human Natural-inclination: universal goodness.


Awakened Living:

  1. Earth is one, though nation-states are many. All nation-states can realize their purpose in universality and indivisibility.
    1. Awakened human-being is an entity that sees (knows), acts (in work and behavior), and takesoutcomes of these (awakened) actions.
    2. Awakened human realizes freedom in action and also freedom in taking the rewards of those actions.
    3. Awakened human – being aware of outcomes of his actions – realizes spontaneity, and since his actions are aligned to Destined-progression – he realizes freedom also in taking the rewards of his (awakened) actions.
    4. Destined-progression = Realization of Complementariness and Usefulness.
    5. Outcomes of positive-actions get distributed and are accepted by all. Outcomes of negative-actions don’t get accepted by any.

Human Organization

  1. Vision of Ten Layered Humane-Organization:

  2.  Existence Rooted Human Centric Ideology’s manifestation. Family is focal-point for this manifestation. Every Family-member realizes following six qualities in himself/herself:
    1. trust within one’s self
    2. respect for good-qualities in others
    3. equilibrium in talent
    4. equilibrium in personality
    5. sociality in behavior
    6. self-dependence in occupation


Favorable conditions for human’s Usefulness and Complementariness:

    1. Universal Availability of Education and Sanskar
    2. Universal Availability of Justice and Protection
    3. Universal Availability of Production-Work
    4. Universal Availability of Exchange of Manual-work
    5. Universal Availability of Health and discipline related knowledge and activity


Awakened Human Tradition’s Dimensions

  1. Living: Living of human-being is meaningful with realization of Jeevan-Values. Human-Objectives (Resolution, Prosperity, Fearlessness, and Coexistence) need to be achieved for realizing Jeevan-Values.
  2. Undivided Society: Undivided humane-society is achieved when every human-being realizesestablished-values and expression-values.
  3. Universal-Orderliness: Universal-Orderliness is realizable on Earth by universalizing Human-Values.
    1. Stage-1: Family: Awakened-Family is the first expression of Humane-Orderliness.
      • Trust and its continuity are realized in Family.
      • Family-members live with Gyan, Vivek, and Vigyan.
      • In a Family, Humane-Conduct is realized as continuance of resolution and prosperity.
      • Everyone in an awakened-family realizes established-values and expression-values.
      • Everyone in an awakened-family achieves human-objectives and realizes jeevan-values.
      • Awakened-family is the essence of fearlessness in humane-society.
      • An awakened-family realizes its participancy in universal-orderliness.


      1. Stage-2: Family-Council
        • Family-Council is composed of representatives elected from ten families in a locality.
        • Family-Council as an entity realizes humane-conduct.
        • Family-Council is the second level expression of undivided-society. (first level beingfamily)Family-council has definite programs in following five dimensions in alignment with universal humane-orderliness:
          1. Humane Education and Sanskar program
          2. Humane Justice and Protection program
          3. Humane Production program
          4. Humane Manual-work Exchange program
          5. Humane Health and Discipline program

Family-Council works on tests, observations, betterment, assessment, and reporting of the above.

      1. Stage-3: Village/Locality-Council
        • Village/locality-council is composed of ten representatives from ten family-councils of the village/locality. Range of village/locality-council is 100 families.
        • Five committees are formed from members selected from the ten family councils of the village/locality.Following Five-Committees are formed in every Village/Locality:
          1. Humane Education and Sanskar Committee
          2. Humane Justice and Protection Committee
          3. Humane Production-work Committee
          4. Humane Manual-work exchange Committee
          5. Humane Health and Discipline Committee


Responsibilities of the committee members shall be ascertained for the goals Village/locality-council.

      1. Stage-4: Village/Locality-Family-Council
        • Village/Locality-family-council is composed of 10 representatives from the 10 village/locality councils. The range of Village/Locality-family-council, therefore, is 1000 families in 10 villages/localities.
        • Joint-testimony of five committees of each village/locality, and testimony of every village/locality-council, and the village/locality-family-council’s own testimony for the condition of the 100 families with respect to their status with :
  • Knowledge dissemination
  • Honesty status – as vivek and vigyan
  • Responsibility status – as human-relations
  • Participancy status – for realizing its usefulness and complementariness.


Valuation and testimony of village-population’s status with human-consciousness, natural-inclination, and commitment.

Valuation and Testimony of village-population’s status with respect to the six-qualities

Valuation and testimony of village population’s status with respect to the five-dimensions of human-work.
In similar fashion remaining six stages are described – which extend up to World-family-council of Humane-orderliness.

Framework of Humane-Education

  • Basis:

Basis of proposed Humane-Education framework is Madhyasth Darshan Saha-Astitva-Vad. This Darshan is in four parts:

    1. Manav Vyavhar Darshan (Awakening in Humane-Behavior)
    2. Manav Karm Darshan (Awakening in Humane-Karma)
    3. Manav Abhyas Darshan (Awakening in Humane-Practice)
    4. Manav Anubhav Darshan (Awakening in Existential-Experience)
  • Reason for Humane-Education:

Conflicts in humankind are due to social (and religion), economic, and political disparities. Humane-Education is needed for realizing omni-dimensional resolution in human-living – as all disparities get dissolved in resolution.

  • Proposition:

Jeevan-Vidya Proposal is for transition of humankind from animal-consciousness into human-consciousness.

There shall be social, economic, and political harmony in the purview of human-consciousness – since every human desires protection and right-use of his resources.

The principles for right-use of resources are – Dharma-Neeti.

The principles for protection of resources are – Rajya-Neeti.

Protection and right-use of body, mind (mun), and wealth are interdependent. One needs wisdom to realize these.

  • The Purpose of Humane-Education:

    1. Establish Work-Ethics of Human-Consciousness – is the purpose of Humane-Education.
    2. The purpose of Humane-Education is to bring about Harmony and Unanimity in all four aspects of human-living – i.e. Occupation, Behavior, Thinking, and Experience; and all five statuses of human-living – i.e. Individual, Family, Society, Nation, and Inter-nation.
    3. Emergence of equilibrium in personality and talent in everyone – is the purpose of Humane-Education.
    4. Changing of all kinds of group-ism tendencies into human-consciousness – is the purpose of humane-education.
    5. Building coexistence and resolution based social-consciousness – is the purpose of Humane-Education.
    6. Every child demands justice from birth, and desires to do right. Providing every child capacity to give justice, and capability to do right – is the purpose of Humane-Education.
    7. Fulfilling everyone’s must-need of realizing resolution and prosperity – is the purpose of Humane-Education.
    8. Explaining of Destined-progression – and the human-role therefore is the purpose of Humane-Education.
    9. Humane-Education shall align all Education methods, mechanisms, and norms in purview of human-ness.
    10. Humane-Education shall establish qualitative-uniformity at all levels of education – schools, high-schools, universities, etc.
    11. Humane-Education shall establish study and research systems for finer aspects of Psychology.
    12. Humane-Education shall establish every student and individual as a participant of Undivided-Society.
    13. Humane-Education shall establish harmony between educators, students, and guardians through behavioral-education.
    14. Humane-Education shall establish harmony between present, future, and past generations at all levels – by making them capable for carrying out their duties and responsibilities.
    15. Humane-Education shall establish universal education of humane-culture, humane-norms, and humane-orderliness.
    16. Humane-Education shall establish the capacity in every individual for producing more and consuming less.
    17. Humane-Education shall establish systems for students and teachers to interact with local personalities and qualified-individuals.
  • The Content of Humane-Education

All subjects being taught presently in education-systems need to be connected with the Holistic-Knowledge by incorporation of:

    1. Consciousness along with study of Technology
    2. Values along with study of Psychology
    3. Realization along with study of Philosophy
    4. Protection and right-use aspects along with study of Economics
    5. Assurance and enhancement of human-ness along with study of principled-living of Humane-Orderliness
    6. Humane-culture and humane-civility along with study of Sociology
    7. Study of human-being and human-ness along with study of Geography and History
    8. Reality orientation with study of Literature
  • Education Council

    1. There shall be an Education-Council at National level – that will also have students and researchers. This council shall carry out its duties and responsibilities towards International Education-Council.
    2. This Education-Council shall be responsible for ascertaining the responsibilities, policies, procedures, and directions for Educational-Institutions.
    3. The proposals of this council shall get approval of the Nation for implementation.
    4. This council shall have rights to give proposals for qualitative improvements in Education.
    5. The council shall also accept individual-proposals on matters of education. It will also have system for rewards and recognition for the same.
    6. Every Education-council shall implement its proposals in purview of Human-ness – which shall ensure that there is no discord in education-councils internationally.
    7. International Education-council shall ensure universality of Education.
  • Technical Training

    1. Effective methods and systems for technical-training in skill and art shall be needed for successive refinement in production and building.
    2. Technical education shall also work on establishing social-skills and individual-commitment in the students.
    3. Education at this level shall incorporate study for realizing godly-consciousness and divine-consciousness.
    4. Every student shall be trained for production-abilities and shall imbibe wisdom of ‘More Production, Less Consumption’.
    5. Behavioral-Education shall be incorporated along with Technical-Education so that every individual can become both productive and social.
    6. Techniques of Agriculture, Industry, and Health shall be incorporated as main subjects – instead of their being optional or a formality.
  • Educational Institution

    1. Every educational-institution shall be responsible for making all adults literate and providing education to all boys and girls in its region.
    2. Responsibilities of each position in the Educational Institution shall be ascertained by the Education-Council.
    3. Every educational-institution shall be responsible for surveying the social, economic, political, and behavioral systems of its region.
    4. Responsibility for reporting the local-conditions shall be with the local institution.

English translated version by Rakesh gupta, student | jan 2007

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